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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. It doesn't even appear to have fit the criteria. Here's the alert: Here's the criteria, as detailed on the DPS site:
  2. It says he's a campaign employee and co-conspirator, so my guess is that P5 above is Boris Epshteyn.
  3. A life well lived. I saw him once, at Stubbs around 2001 or so. Such a great night.
  4. That squad ain't built for prevent.
  5. What a weird end to the half. Packers celebrate as if they just tied it.
  6. Was Cashman dominant when he was with the Texans? Because he's dominant now.
  7. 28-0 Vikings. Not quite halftime yet.
  8. Another thing I found interesting is when the letter was released. It was in hand so It could have dropped at any time, yet they chose to do it at the end of the week- on a day that the news cycle was dominated by the hurricane. This confused me at the time because I knew it wouldn't get any coverage, but then I read an explanation that make perfect sense to me. The letter was released when it was because they wanted as much time as possible for the trolls and MAGA media to run with it before the grownup journalists had a chance to report it with the clarification and context it requires. It's that simple. The traditional strategy when releasing material damaging to your opponent is to dominate the news cycle. The MAGA strategy is to insidiously avoid it.
  9. Walker............................Trump.............................................................Tubby.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................An average twelve-year-old.
  10. This dropped last week, based on a letter sent by the ICE Director by request of a GOP congressman. Of course Trump jumped on it this weekend, and he'll repeat it mercilessly, as will your MAGA friends and family. Here's the truth, you know, with context and stuff: https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/29/politics/fact-check-trump-harris-immigrants-homicide/index.html
  11. Land don't drink. No CR.
  12. These guys are truly horrible.
  13. Someone didn't get around to registering the obvious domain names for themselves... https://www.clayhiggins2024.com/
  14. Rutherford County, NC Emergency Management
  15. You joke, but I'm %100 convinced that this guy has spent a lot of time on forums Eventually we're going to learn some screen names and see his history, and it's going to make Mark Robinson's stuff look like child's play.
  16. Yeah, I don't know if it's misuse of terms or sloppy reporting, but this is what I read: https://www.wcnc.com/article/weather/severe-weather/helene-lake-lure-dam-failure/275-ff893ea8-e29e-466a-95b4-857ea3fb8e18
  17. For now the imminent failure appears to be overflow vs structural, but it's downstream flooding either way. It's a pretty big one.
  18. Don't care about that learjet cowboy, but these badasses...
  19. It's a 3 mile long bridge. By the time they get to what you're seeing they're pretty pot committed.
  20. What am I looking at? Does he have his thumb in the trigger well?
  21. Well he was brown, so they'd also claim that he was a murdering rapist who is simultaneously lazy and going for your jobs.
  22. After 3 equally strong weeks, I have the highest cumulative point total in the league... and I'm 0-3. So it goes.
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