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Posts posted by TexasHooch

  1. I'll have to try the cheddar bay mix.  As it is, I keep it really simple.  Roll of spicy jimmy Dean, package of shredded sharp cheddar, and a packed cup of  bisquick.  My biggest piece of advice is that it has to be spicy pork.  I've tried the regular and there simply isn't enough flavor there.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    And as far as candidates go, 


    This guy never recovered from saying Byaaaaaaah! to encourage his supporters after a tough loss in Iowa.image.png.633dc38c1bc57f15af0125dc6ce46a63.png


    And this guy never recovered from getting in a tank to support the military build up of conventional weapons.



    We are indeed in very, very different times.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. It takes a certain type, for sure- usually the young jocks.  The alternative is to kick one leg completely out of your pants and move it all out of the way. Not so fun in subfreezing weather and several feet of snow, but I work fast so it's my preferred method.

  4. On 3/14/2022 at 1:28 PM, deadshank said:

    The plains-style double biff in areas where there are no trees and you go toe-to-toe with your hunting partner while holding onto each other and squatting / shitting at the same time is risky and off putting.

    Yep.  We call that "The Orangutan hang".  The secret is to piss first, or else you've entered expert level.

  5. In my pants, is the answer- multiple times I'm afraid. 

    Beyond that, it's probably mountain climbing.  Once you get above the treeline, you can't dig a hole and you really shouldn't leave it, so you've got to pick it up and pack it out.  Now consider a party of 8 on a 10-day climb, and you've got a massive shit bag at the end.  Wiping my ass with snowballs, however, is surprisingly refreshing.

    • Haha 3
  6. 32 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:



    I may have already posted this somewhere. Nancy's down to Santos' ex-staffers now.  No one else wants to work for her.


    A Major Sign of Trouble in Nancy Mace’s Office: Total Staff Turnover



    Add another ignoble credential to Rep. Nancy Mace’s résumé.

    As of Monday, according to three sources familiar with the matter, Mace’s entire D.C. staff has turned over since Nov. 1, 2023.

    That’s nine staffers in the span of a few short months—with all but one of those employees leaving on their own accord.

    The lone exception to those eight staffers who left Mace’s office on their own accord is now-former chief of staff Dan Hanlon, who was fired on Dec. 1. Hanlon has subsequently filed to run against Mace in her South Carolina district.

    As for the rest of her former staff, they all quit. That includes her deputy chief of staff Richard Chalkey, her legislative director Randal Meyer, communications director Will Hampson, a financial adviser, a staff assistant, two legislative assistants, and her military legislative assistant. And from what the departed staffers told The Daily Beast, there was good reason to leave.

    Former Mace employees described a “toxic” work environment.

    But in response to questions about the dramatic turnover, Mace’s new chief of staff, Lori Khatod, presented the complete turnover as a “non-issue.”

    “New coach, new team in the DC office,” Khatod said in a text message.

    Former staffers who spoke with The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity, however, told a very different story.

    “The member was abusive,” one former senior staffer told The Daily Beast, specifically pointing to the frequency with which Mace would communicate with her staff, either over text, Signal, or Monday.com—an unauthorized software system Mace uses in her office.

    This former staffer said Mace uses the software to “micromanage the office all day and into the night and early morning.”

    “It was constant,” this person said.

    Another senior staffer recalled how Mace called them close to midnight on Christmas Eve and demanded to know why she wasn’t getting on TV more during the holiday week.

    “If she needed us, we had to answer within eight minutes,” this staffer said, clarifying that the eight minute timeframe was actually a “rule.”

    “Nancy is delusional as a boss,” the former staffer continued. “She says nothing publicly without her consultants or senior staffers telling her to, but takes credit for everything. She’s a walking teleprompter.”

    The former staffer added that Mace “has no idea what it actually means to be a member of Congress and is too scared and self-conscious to deal with other people, so she accomplished nothing.”

    “All this is why pretty much every staffer and fellow member on the Hill thinks she’s a joke,” this ex-employee said. “Also a big reason why she’s only able to hire former George Santos staffers right now.”

    (Mace recently hired Santos’ former communications director to serve her office in that role.)

    More broadly, these staffers described Mace’s office as grueling and thankless. She created a “demoralizing environment for staff,” as one of her other former senior employees put it.

    Multiple former employees specifically complained about Mace’s propensity to ensure everyone was working all the time. Even on Good Friday, when some staff just wanted to take an hour off to go to Mass in the late afternoon, Mace wouldn’t have it, two former senior staffers said. (The House was adjourned at the time.)

    “For Mace it was all about control,” one of the previously mentioned former staffers said. “She didn’t see the staff as people but as property.”

    A more recent demoralizing incident was when the new chief of staff, Khatod, tried to send the D.C. employees home early one day in early December. For the staff that hung back, they were treated to a bizarre show.

    It turns out that Khatod had called the Capitol Police on Hanlon, who had been fired just days before. Politico, which first wrote on the incident, reported that Hanlon had been in the office earlier to return his keys, but it wasn’t clear to these staffers who talked to The Daily Beast whether Hanlon was actually on Capitol Hill at the time of the call.

    When Khatod came back to the office and realized not all the staff had left as she instructed, she didn’t hide her displeasure, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

    Staffers had no idea why Khatod had called Capitol Police on Hanlon—it could have been over Hanlon taking an office popcorn machine on his way out—but many former employees were disturbed by the incident.

    “At that moment, I felt the most unsafe I ever had on the Hill, when I realized she was using the Capitol Police to intimidate staff,” one witness to the event told The Daily Beast.

    The incident quickly spread within the office and left many other staffers feeling rattled and uncomfortable, two sources said. It was that moment which cemented in some of their minds that they were going to quit.

    Mace’s office would not delve into specifics about the Capitol Police incident or the intense work demands.

    “Like most offices, we do not discuss internal processes,” Khatod said in a statement in response to these specific allegations. “We adhere and accommodate employees whose sincerely held religious beliefs, practices or observances conflict with regular work requirements.”

    This, of course, isn’t the first time Mace has faced criticism from ex-employees. One of her former staffers, who previously served as her communications director, has been on a crusade to detail Mace’s self-serving ways. And one woman who ran into Mace in the airport recently reportedly overheard her screaming at a staff member, telling this person to clean up press reports that her office was “toxic.”

    While Mace’s new office can dispute her former staff’s characterizations of the work culture, what the congresswoman can’t dispute is the numbers.

    Professor Casey Burgat, the legislative affairs program director at George Washington University, told The Daily Beast that “disproportionately high turnover signals that staff are incredibly unhappy.”

    “It's a ridiculously high number, just out of the ordinary,” said Burgat, who has studied congressional staff turnover patterns and has testified before Congress on some of his findings. “I would be shocked if you found any other Representative or senator with even close to that high of a turnover in such a short amount of time.”

    A Mace staff handbook previously obtained by The Daily Beast detailed how her staff was required to book her on a national TV outlet between one and three times per day, and how each staffer had to come up with draft tweets for the congresswoman.

    According to the handbook, Mace also held her staff to the standard of passing 10 bills on the House floor every year—which would be an incredible clip for a backbench member—and filing 25 new bills.

    During her three years in office, Mace has had one bill signed into law: a measure renaming a post office on Hilton Head Island.



    • Haha 1
  7. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/29/republican-party-feud-turning-point-las-vegas-00138493

    Party feud breaks out ahead of RNC meeting in Las Vegas


    LAS VEGAS — Days before the Republican National Committee was set to convene here, hundreds of Republican officials gathered in a casino ballroom Monday to vent their grievances about the party — and warn that it is ill prepared for the 2024 election.

    “We are at war,” one man shouted from a microphone at the event, hosted by the conservative group Turning Point Action, lifting his arm in the air. “Where are the tools? Where are all the little things that the left is doing but we don’t?”

    The gathering, in the hotel next door to where the RNC will meet later this week, was the culmination of more than a year’s worth of frustration from some Republicans in and surrounding the committee — about its finances, about its struggles to match Democrats’ organizing efforts, about its four-term leader. A year ago this month, the vast majority of the RNC’s members voted in favor of keeping Ronna McDaniel on for another term as chair, despite an ugly reelection fight that exposed rifts and vulnerabilities inside the committee.

    But at this point, many grassroots activists say McDaniel has lost their trust, perhaps permanently. They say they’re tired of losing. And whatever facts and figures the RNC provides to defend its record, the arguments sound to them like excuses.

    Terry Dittrich, the chair of the Waukesha County, Wisconsin GOP — the largest Republican county in the state — said he received word from the RNC of a Victory 2024 program they’ll launch there this spring. But he and his county party have been attempting to carry out their own voter outreach efforts since July, and Dittrich said the national party should have already established year-round programs there to compete with what he sees Democrats doing.

    “The fact of the matter is the same executive committee, the same leadership structure, the same strategic plans, the same ‘victory programs’ are all in place with the same people, and yet we have lost 22 out of 25 statewide races,” Dittrich said, referring to Wisconsin elections over the last dozen or so years — a period beginning before McDaniel was placed in the job by Donald Trump in 2016.

    “And so my question would be simple,” he said. “If you're in a business and your business lost 22 of 25 accounts that you were after, would you have the same structure continue? Would you have the same people continuing to lead?”

    Turning Point, the youth-oriented advocacy group founded by Charlie Kirk, the conservative activist radio show host with a massive following, has long been one of the sharpest thorns in the RNC’s side. McDaniel and Kirk have traded barbs publicly, including when Kirk and those affiliated with his organization opposed her reelection bid.

    The title of Monday’s summit was itself a clear knock on the RNC. A prevailing theme among attendees of the “Restoring National Confidence” gathering, which was open to local chairs and GOP leaders from the most consequential counties, was that the actual RNC wasn’t doing enough to train and support the grassroots.

    “They're a bunch of losers. They know it. The grassroots knows it. The donors know it,” Kirk said in an interview. “They lost in ’18. They lost in ’20. They lost in 2022. We have tried to reach out to them many times, and I'm not going to put up with another culture of losing.”

    Kirk, who is based in Phoenix, said Turning Point Action is hiring 300 new, full-time workers in Arizona by April to engage in get-out-the-vote work this year.

    In response to questions about Turning Point’s criticisms, the RNC pointed to the 73 trainings it held for more than 2,000 local party activists last year; to its “Bank Your Vote” initiative to urge early and absentee GOP voting this year; to the staff it has hired in 15 battleground states for the 2024 election; and to the RNC’s Election Integrity Department that is filing lawsuits across the country.

    A spokesperson for the RNC suggested Republicans should keep their focus on Democrats, not intra-party warfare.

    “We always encourage outside groups to get involved in get-out-the-vote efforts, in fact, the more the merrier,” said the spokesperson, granted anonymity to speak freely. “We just encourage outside groups to keep their focus on beating Democrats, not each other. After all, there’s a presidential election in 10 months.”

    Despite the RNC holding activist trainings throughout the year, the local GOP leaders that attended Monday’s Turning Point gathering in Las Vegas — many of whom received scholarships from the group to make the trip — accused the RNC of putting no clear plan in place to guide them.

    “My county is going to flip to blue if we can't get control,” said Maria Holiday, chair of the Republican Party in Johnson County, Kansas, the state’s most populous county. “And I don't see any effective strategies coming out of the RNC down to the grassroots, and that's where the people are going to vote … We're on our own.”

    McDaniel is widely seen within the RNC as safe in her role until after the November election, when the committee will begin the process of electing its next chair. Still, the ex-president’s son Donald Trump Jr. was among Republicans who took the stage here Monday.

    One RNC member in attendance said he was gauging interest in calling for McDaniel’s resignation when the committee meets later this week. The member, granted anonymity to speak freely about plans still in the works, said some other members have already agreed to do so, but declined to provide their names.

    He said he was concerned about how much the RNC actually was doing to ensure that Republicans win elections, “versus saying it with window dressings and putting pretty curtains around it and painting a pretty picture.”

    Critics of the RNC and McDaniel have been abuzz in recent days about a line of credit that the committee took out for the year, particularly in light of recent financial reports showing historically low cash levels. Its executive committee this month authorized the potential use of the credit, though a spokesperson said the RNC approves lines of credit as an annual precautionary measure in case money is needed.

    While the committee hasn’t needed the credit in recent years, the spokesperson pointed to the RNC drawing millions of dollars from a line of credit during winning cycles in 2016, 2014 and 2010.

    Oscar Brock, a member of the RNC’s budget committee and the national committeeman from Tennessee, said fundraising had improved “dramatically” in January after a rough 2023. The RNC’s January financial report is due Feb. 20.

    “If that holds up, we may not ever need to access it,” Brock said of the new line of credit.

    Trump has been privately critical, at times, with the RNC’s management under McDaniel, though her calls last week for Republicans to unite around him as the likely nominee were well received by top aides to the former president.

    Brock, who was among the members who opposed McDaniel’s reelection last year, did not attend Turning Point’s event. He said he has since worked with McDaniel to find areas of common ground. But he called her comments last week about Trump’s inevitability as the party’s nominee a “mistake.”

    Jay Shepard, the RNC committeeman from Vermont, said in an interview at the summit Monday that he believes Turning Point is “more right than it’s wrong” when it comes to their outreach strategies. He said he hopes the RNC can have complementary relationships with them and similar grassroots groups.

    “I do think it has to be worked out,” said Shepard, who was among around two dozen of the RNC’s 168 members in attendance Monday, with additional members expected to attend the following day.

    But every indication Monday was that large swaths of the GOP grassroots aren’t looking for a compromise; but, rather, a more fulsome embrace of sharp-knifed and even conspiratorial politics.

    For 90 minutes after lunch, attendees were subjected to a series of presentations by self-described voter fraud investigators associated with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. The session, called “The Lindell Plan,” brought the on-stage moderator to tears as she discussed his efforts to prove the baseless accusation that the 2020 election was stolen. Lindell came out at the end, then again later in the day for an extensive second speech.

    Later in the day, Tyler Bowyer, the RNC’s Arizona committeeman and the chief operating officer of Turning Point, suggested that grassroots activists begin asking their state party chairs and other RNC members if they are willing to turn over their tax returns to check the sources of their income.

    “If you get pushback, there’s probably a problem there,” Bowyer said.

    In the meantime, the fired up grassroots group here vowed to also fight to replace current party leadership.

    At the summit’s start Monday morning, Fanchon Blythe, the RNC committeewoman from Nebraska, stood in front of a camera streaming for Steve Bannon’s War Room show, recalling how she and other activists succeeded two years ago at overhauling their state’s GOP — ousting the chair, executive director, district chairs, the former RNC committeewoman and a slew of others deemed too aligned with the Republican old guard.

    “I used to be the establishment when I first got started in politics,” Blythe said. “But God awakened me.”


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1

    43 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    Nobody has ever had to sign up or be a user to see a post

    No you go fuck yourself. You don’t need an account. “I don’t have time to do that 5 second thing when I’m on the internet”

    By the numbers: Truth Social's parent company, Trump Media & Technology Group, generated a total of $3.38 million in revenue for the first nine months of 2023.

    • It reports a $49 million net loss during the same period, including around $26 million in Q3.

    Uh Oh, I've infuriated him again.



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