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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I love a good procedural, and Kathy Bates is fantastic, but that actor who plays her immediate boss is truly, truly horrible at acting. Her and the cringy courtroom dialogue are too much. I'm out.
  2. Oh, and not for nothing but...
  3. That's very illuminating. Thank you. I can't help but wonder how these folks would respond to that soliloquy. .
  4. "These people should be put in jail for how they talk about our judges and our justice system". Zero irony. Zero self awareness.
  5. Well, it's not like they can market sell that many shares- it would drop to pennies immediately.
  6. Take a closer look. She has the rare ability to do both at the same time. Smile Scowl
  7. We'll find out by the end of day tomorrow how much, if any, he sold on Friday. Wednesday will be interesting.
  8. Large holder restrictions expired at the end of trading Thursday. $DJT is tanking because he and his cronies are cashing out. 22 million shares were exchanged Friday and over 19 million today. The average daily volume in the past month is about 8 million shares.
  9. Forgive me, but there's no way in hell I'm googling it... What's a jerk race? I mean, it's mostly obvious, but is it, um, a solo or team competition?
  10. Username checks out. Sorry Kathy.
  11. Nah. The Jets would like a word. Hell, as a neutral party, I'd put the modern day Cowboys closer to the Aggys than Houston.
  12. I'm not even rooting for the Texans and I'm pissed at Tunsil. He and his buddies are making this unenjoyable to watch. Hochuli Is talking so much, it's like he's a member of the broadcasting team.
  13. Rare miss from this from the crew then. They throw soooooo many flags, especially against the offense.
  14. Honest question: What's the value of national polls at this point? Nationwide popular vote doesn't matter. Only 7 states do.
  15. This is perfect. There is only one thing that Trump and his haters agree on, and that's to make sure as many people as possible see his imbecilic bloviation.
  16. So It's now at the states "where it belongs", but he will ensure, from the federal level, that strict exceptions and controls will be in place to limit what the states do. I cannot believe that there are women who read that rant and not see the contradiction staring at them.
  17. Allwrongquin
  18. I don't like trolls, but it is sometimes fun to watch the progression in threads like this from go-to stances, to straw-man arguments, to "you don't know me" defenses, to name calling, and- eventually- to... The Aristocrats!
  19. I am a fervent believer in the second amendment too. It's my unyielding opinion that every citizen militia member should have the right to a musket without permit, regulation, or penalty.
  20. I'm not being facetious at all, but you are ignoring the real reason. I'll do my best to take you seriously and change the example from rocket launcher to fully automatic machine gun, which is a distinction without a difference to my point. They are not hard to conceal, and only rare because they are regulated to the extent that there is not a significant non military demand. They are still expensive, of course, but that's not the real point. The point is that it is perfectly legal in the United States to own a machine gun (or a rocket launcher for that matter) with the correct permit. However, that process is justly and reasonably stringent enough as to ensure that the permit recipient is incredibly unlikely to use the machine gun in an unlawful way, or to be callus enough to allow that gun to be lost or sold to someone who would. Add to that the penalties for Illegally possessing or converting to a fully auto is sufficient enough as to serve as a significant- if not absolute- deterrent. Should a handgun require the same permitting process as a full auto? I don't think so. But somewhere in the middle of a class III FFL and virtually nothing would be cool.
  21. Then why aren't criminals walking around with rocket launchers?
  22. This appears to be an actual billboard put up by the Republican party of Arizona. In other news...
  23. Yes, they appear to be air soft. Here's the Florida statute. It's interesting that the use of a air soft gun by someone under 16 is prohibited, but apparently not the possession. However, an adult is criminally responsible even if someone under 16 only possesses.
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