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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Agree that the trailer doesn't look great, but is that an indictment on the show, or the people who made the trailer? Hell if I know, but here's the trailer for The Pacific for comparison:
  2. "Remains to be seen" is such a weird phrase to me. It remains to be seen whether anyone can stay healthy, or refine a shot, or develop a defensive presence, stay out of legal trouble, or anything. It's literally in the future! Everyfuckingthing remains to be seen.
  3. Yeah, we all know PETA sucks. There's no need to feed a fed horse here.
  4. Cleaning shower stalls at a 24Hr truck stop. What do I win?
  5. Oh, they've got you covered.. https://www.peta.org/teachkind/lesson-plans-activities/animal-friendly-idioms/
  6. The thing is, there is actual evidence suggesting that shorter men are at a disadvantage in presidential elections. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1048984312000884 So, I suppose an argument could be made that Ron is doing this to overcome a societal bias, rather than his own insecurity. That argument would be bullshit (it's both) but you could make it.
  7. The article posted above explains it better than I could, but the bottom line is that he's not using custom made/modified boots. He's simply tossing in aftermarket heel lifts into his off the rack boots.
  8. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/31/desantis-boots-shoemakers-00121044
  9. I know we'll eventually get to talking about the movie, but this has reminded me of one of my favorite clips. This is from the documentary about the making of the West Side Story soundtrack. The tenor here is not just some guy who fought through the audition process, it is Jose fucking Carreras here, just getting humbled.
  10. All joking aside, do you think Bob Woodward is annoyed that he's not being included in this flick? Doesn't seem fair.
  11. Yeah, and people make a big deal about the Star Wars Theme and Jaws, but for my money he was best when he was writing the score for Presumed Innocent.
  12. Fuck yeah there are. I mean, maybe not every one could hum you Candide or Jeremiah, but who doesn't know West Side Story? He's not the 1st great American composer though.
  13. Live look-in on the Vikings Raiders game:
  14. The "Objectionable vernacular with benign origin" thread is over there.
  15. Lame BDSM jokes aside, I appreciate the discussion. When I was approached yesterday I was filled with anxiety because I thought: Shit, now what? If a term like "grandfathered" can get past my decades of using it, now what? I've always tried to be mindful of the words I use, and the obvious ones are easy. But if that one can slip past, what else am I saying that I shouldn't be? I think the bottom line here is to try to be mindful that these terms and idioms are out there, but realize that we're not going to catch them all. We just need to be thoughtful and responsive when it's brought to our attention.
  16. I usually play the slave, but there's always a safe word!
  17. What about the master bedroom? Is that a thing too?
  18. I kind of like what the LGBTQ community did with the word queer. "Fuck you, we're taking it back." I'm still not going to use it, but I love the approach.
  19. Eenie meanie miney moe is a particularly interesting one to me because many scholars argue that its actual origins are relatively benign (rooted in Celtic or Welch language). These scholars argue that the english slur usage came waaaay later. It then morphed into the nursery rhyme that we all know. Ultimately whether something is rooted in racism or polluted by it is largely a distinction without a difference. I don't know. 956 offers a perfectly reasoned approach that I can totally get behind in principle, but I admit that the thought of having to question or revisit the etymology of every slang phrase I use is exhausting.
  20. I had an interesting discussion today. Yesterday, I was in a meeting where I mentioned the possibility of grandfathering in certain employees to a new way of doing something. Today, a coworker reached out to me to give me the heads-up that the term has a dubious origin. As much as I am a history and language nut, I had no idea. The person who brought it up wasn't offended by my use of the term, nor were they trying to shame me for using it- it was just a heads up, which I actually appreciated. It did, however, bring up a question that's been bouncing around in my head since. At what point, if any, does the use of a phrase or term transcend and/or replace its origin? I think of other things like "rule of thumb", "sold down the river" or "cake walk". In our current lexicon, I doubt many even consider what they meant 200 years ago, because they don't mean that now. But, as we are brought to understand, does it become our responsibility to avoid them, or is there a point in which we should all accept that the original uses have been successfully co opted for much broader and current usage?
  21. https://www.semafor.com/article/12/06/2023/george-santos-is-earning-six-figures-from-cameo-videos George Santos is earning six figures from Cameo videos "...Santos said — and screenshots and the CEO of Cameo confirmed — that he has lined up more than that sum in his first 48 hours on the platform. People pay between $200 and $300 to Santos for various flavors of communication. The videos can take less than a minute to film, and the platform has brought millions of dollars to the occasional campy, game, minor celebrity like the late comedian Gilbert Gottfried. Santos “is going to be an absolute whale,” Cameo’s founder and CEO, Steven Galanis, told Semafor. His launch, Galanis said, is among the platform’s best ever: “Sarah Jessica Parker, Bon Jovi — he’s putting numbers up like that,” he said."
  22. All of these threads are moving at the speed of light, so apologies for asking a question that has undoubtedly been addressed a million times already. Are we confident that Worthy is going to be at or close to 100%? All I've seen is that the x rays are negative, but if it's a high ankle sprain that could be dicey- even with a month to rehab.
  23. You know what else enhances cumin and chili? More cumin and chili.
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