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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. OK. It took me 3 attempts (and not because it's long) but I made it through his OAN interview. https://www.oann.com/video/oan-contribution/oan-exclusive-caitlin-sinclair-sits-down-with-rep-george-santos/ This guy is something else. The level of victimhood, masked as accountability, here is truly remarkable.
  2. Mother Jones with a small follow up to there big story last week: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/02/george-santos-campaign-funds-donors-scandal/ On another note, word is that the reason Santos was pressured off his committees is that the Republicans intend to push Ilan Omar off of hers, but they know that the already slim chance of success will be virtually impossible if George is still sitting on committees.
  3. That reminds me of a great article a while back.. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/17/style/george-santos-style.html
  4. She's active on twitter but no mention of Mr Devolver (err... Santos) Cap Hill Comms Director huh? So she's desperate/depraved enough to work for him but at least she has the good sense not to brag about it. I have to think his entire staff is like this. They'll wallow in the shit, but I'm sure they all have their explanations at the ready when the inevitable happens.
  5. Sunday morning catch up... There's no real hard hitting news since Mother Jones delivered the bomb earlier in the week, but here's a smattering of absurdaties: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/27/where-santos-really-stands-in-the-house-gop-00079755 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-santos-delivers-speech-holocaust-remembrance-lying-jewish-heritage He tweeted his actual speech, and others have reported on the irony/trollishness of it. But it's interesting to see in on Fox, as this is one they could have completely ignored. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/george-santos-sing-karaoke-app-smule-1234669746/ Anyone want to hear our buddy bust out "Let it Go"? There are a few examples of George's work in the link if you dare.
  6. We actually don't know that. In his amended filing last week- fraudulently submitted under the name of a *new* treasurer who denies taking the job- he unchecked the box that previously indicated that those funds were from him personally.
  7. Doesn't article say he's got more 199.99 documentations than everyone else combined? I'd like to hear from someone in the know as well, but I don't think it's like the typical reimbursement or company card limits that us common folk deal with,-in which we document for as much as we can get when we go over.
  8. Ugh. I don't really want to get into it again, but look it up. The suicide rate, particularly for narcissists, is higher not lower.
  9. That's the cliffs notes version of it. See the ABC story that the above article links for the real meat of it. BTW, the filing in question just so happens to be the one in which Santos says nevermind to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that he reportedly loaned his campaign.
  10. https://politicalwire.com/2023/01/25/santos-lists-new-treasurer-who-denies-working-for-him/ Santos Lists New Treasurer Who Denies Working for Him January 25, 2023 at 8:25 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 214 Comments “With a disclosure filing deadline approaching as questions swirl around his use of campaign funds, embattled Rep. George Santos’ campaign appears to be left without a treasurer,” ABC News reports. “On Wednesday, several fundraising committees associated with the freshman congressman from New York filed amendments to their statements of organizations, notifying the Federal Election Commission of a new treasurer.” “But the newly listed treasurer, Thomas Datwyler, a veteran campaign finance treasurer who has served on multiple other political organizations, says he does not work for the Santos campaign and that the filings were signed under his name without his consent.”
  11. Oh he's gay. My guess is that his marriage to a woman was related to some immigration thing, and his "husband" was just his boyfriend who fucked off and went back to wherever he's from (word is Brazil) when the pressure ramped up. There's something shady there, of course, and I'm sure that'll drop eventually. For now he's a ghost.
  12. Nope. There's been no sign of him. George didn't bring him to his signing in, no longer mentions a husband in his bio (curiously all of the other lies are still there) and isn't wearing a ring. As for husband's history, people have been digging a bit but drawing blanks. For instance, he is supposedly a pharmacist based in NY but there's no record of his license with the state.
  13. OK. Back to your regularly scheduled programming: This is significant. George Santos Admits 500K Personal Loan to Campaign Wasn’t ‘Personal’ It’s been one of the biggest mysteries surrounding George Santos: Where did he get his money? In an amended filing, Santos admits a big chunk wasn’t his. https://www.thedailybeast.com/george-santos-admits-500k-personal-loan-to-campaign-wasnt-personal?via=newsletter&source=DDAfternoon&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=230124-Digest PM&utm_term=G List Daily Beast Newsletter PM
  14. If Deadwood is wrong I don't want to be right.
  15. Pfft. Allow me to tell you the story about a little 8 year old Hooch who snuck out of his room late one night and decided that some movie on HBO called Deliverance looked cool: Not cool. Not cool at all.
  16. I read the book before children. It was a great piece of writing, but there is no way on God's green earth that I could have gotten through it if I had already had kids. I won't watch the movie, and I'm sure as hell not going to read it again. Blood Meridian on the other hand is about ready for another read. Not that it's any less grim really, but at least I don't internalize it.
  17. I drive an older Silverado and love the utility of it. I don't put a ton of miles on it though. Honest question: In TX (and I suppose other warm weather states) what is the ratio of 4X2 trucks to 4X4? I remember 4X2s being really common in TX, but they're nowhere to be found in MN- for obvious reasons.
  18. This is good. It's an interview with 2 people from the only newspaper (The North Shore Leader) that actually sounded the alarm on Santos before the election. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/tnyradiohour/episodes/local-paper-sounded-alarm-george-santos-nobody-listened (first 23 minutes). It's a nice perspective from some locally (and politically) connected folks who were on the ground while the whole thing developed. There's one thing in particular that the editor said that I hadn't heard, or even considered. It is his opinion that the $700,000 that Santos lent his campaign doesn't exist, and never did. His belief is that it was just a lie to fundraise. By pretending to loan the campaign money he could establish credibility as rich, successful, and serious enough to put his own skin in the game. We'll see...
  19. I fell asleep during episode 2 (tired, not bored) but I like season 4 so far. I hope they correct the captions though. Currently, they correctly identify Arabic captions but incorrectly label Hebrew as English. Wasn't a big deal once I figured it out, but that opening chase scene in Ep 1 was confusing as hell.
  20. Alright, ya'll owe me. I just watched this hour-long interview from 2020. The entire thing is fascinating(ly horrifying), but here are some things that stood out to me. Blames his opponent at the time of only being motivated by government pensions @ 5:05. (note that a former roommate recently recalled a conversation in which "Anthony" cited lifetime healthcare and pension as a motivation to run for congress.) Waxes poetic about the importance of "Truth" @ 11:20. Talks about his inability to do 2nd grade common core math even though the has an economics degree and works in finance @36:10. Talks about his family- including him Mom's executive position at Citigroup- @ 42:00. I don't even know how to explain it, but just a ridiculous conversation about the 2nd amendment @46:40 Talks about the degradation of the traditional family unit and the importance of the nuclear family @53:18-55:38 I'm not going to lie (hehe), this guy has tons of charisma. But, he is so clearly playing a part and- as this was 2 years ago- he was still perfecting the script. At a couple points in the interview he recognizes that he's made the interviewer bristle a little and he effortlessly qualifies the answer and shifts to a more palatable response.
  21. While I believe that he could very well be someone's useful idiot, does anyone really think this whole thing was conceived and orchestrated by a foreign actor? I don't buy it. It would have been way, way cleaner. I'm willing to be those people exist at high levels of our government, but this clown aint it.
  22. There was a poll about a week ago that said 60% or so of voters polled in his district said he should resign. It's got to be higher now. It's true that they're wealthy, but no one likes to be made a fool.
  23. And now it's back. Again. Weird, but why should we expect anything less.
  24. Great question. I don't think anyone really knows yet. Here's an article that gives a little more info on it. https://www.mediaite.com/weird/george-santoss-official-congressional-twitter-account-mysteriously-suspended/
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