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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I think that the Nassau GOP sees the writing on the wall and they want to preserve a chance in hell at electing a republican behind him. They won't have that if they're seen as protecting him now. The RNC is a different story.
  2. Who says politicians don't can't get anything done. When it serves their own ambition they move at the speed of light.
  3. Yep. Desposito has now formally called for the resignation. This reporter is all over it, btw. Good follow.
  4. Not sure if serious (Shirley you can't be serious), but I'll clarify. The subject of this thread made me immediately think of yours, because holy cow does it switch- much in the same way Dusk Til Dawn does, actually. I went into this movie knowing nothing about it but the title. I actually really dug it until it flipped the switch- and even though I hated it after that, it wouldn't be fair to say it is a bad movie because it's simply a genre I don't care for.
  5. They're all the also-ran crazies. Let's see some of the principle nutbags flip.
  6. Joking aside, his preferred name is Anthony Devolder (Middle name + Mom's maiden name). Recent reporting has indicated that he can't stand "George" and his family didn't even call him that.
  7. Just woke up from a nap. It appears that the in-between-votes live footage of C-Span makes an excellent white noise background.
  8. He'll never get close to most hated- he's not dangerous enough-, but I think has a fighter's chance at most made fun of.
  9. How is she involved in this? Why are they talking to her? I don't get the angle from either side.
  10. NFL should have called this 20 minutes ago. It's not up to the players. Fuck that. When a player's heart stops on the field, the game is over. It's not hard.
  11. Just to be clear, dude is responding to happy birthday message from an account that parodies/impersonates his father. He knows that, of course, but perhaps he'll simply take what he can get. Sad.
  12. Yes. Catherine Zeta Jones in Entrapment.
  13. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/2335-what’s-your-best-salsa-recipe/
  14. I don't boil or roast. Tomato (cans unless they're in season locally), jalapeno, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime juice, cumin, white pepper, cayenne, and salt. I don't use a recipe, I just throw the shit in and reserve enough of each ingredient to tinkier until it tastes like I want it.
  15. Never. Ever. Pick a fight with a teenager on social media.
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