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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I didn't get very far. It gave me real Amazon Prime "The Wheel of Time" vibes.
  2. From the above linked article: Interesting, but what the hell difference does an open statement make? Every lie he's told has been an open statement. But he'd be telling the truth this time?
  3. Of course that. But that statement is a far cry from insinuating that he's somehow relieved from the scandal. Here's a good article about it: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/28/george-santos-kevin-mccarthy-house-speaker-00075706
  4. Not worth arguing, really, but I disagree with every bit of that.
  5. There are a couple outs. That's one. "I meant that it was as if she died that day- she was never the same" is another. Either way it's bullshit. There's no record of her having been there.
  6. What, so she died on 9/11ish (give or take 15 years).
  7. Republican DA in Nassau County (New York) has opened a criminal investigation.
  8. Mother Jones did some good preliminary reporting on it that I linked a while back. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/scandal-struck-gop-congressman-george-santos-revived-the-firm-that-netted-him-mystery-millions/ TLDR: He worked for a company called Harbor City that got blown up as a Ponzi Scheme. He then started a company called Devolder with the former CFO of Harbor City. My guess is that he either made a bunch of money off of Harbor City or, (more likely) recreated the scheme at his own company.
  9. From that 1992 article: Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” “One of my lawyers said that?” Trump said when I asked him about it. “I think if one of my lawyers said that, I’d like to know who it is, because I’d fire his ass. I’d like to find out who the scumbag is!”
  10. Here's Olivia Nuzzi's new article in the New Yorker that has Trump not very happy. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/donald-trump-running-for-president-2024.html It's a long but decent read, though there's not anything new in it. It mostly just portrays him as pathetic and lonely. Here's my favorite bit:
  11. Late entry for quote of the year right there. I'm fully expecting any day now to read that this dude isn't even American.
  12. Yesterday I learned that pretty much all US military vehicles are made in China, and that the military aid we're sending Ukraine is just getting taken by Russia immediately. I can't wait for today's knowledge bombs!
  13. Just swinging by to offer a heartfelt fuck-you to Chevy for locking down their batteries in the Silverados like Fort Knox. What a fun exercise that was at 8:00 this morning!
  14. I find this whole story to be absolutely fascinating- I can't wait for the Netfix Documentary! Here's an article tackling his business dealings and claims. It's full on Ponzi schemes, and offshore operations. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/scandal-struck-gop-congressman-george-santos-revived-the-firm-that-netted-him-mystery-millions/
  15. You seem to be experiencing some good ole fashioned envy. Understandable, but it'll eat you up if you let it.
  16. Actual footage of the attorney addressing the judge:
  17. Is this bad? This seems bad. And really embarrassing.
  18. Just tried to watch. Fucking stupid. I rolled my eyes through season 2 but it's clear they're doubling down on the absurdity, so I'm out. It's really just the show "24" without the timeline.
  19. It's not nothing, so I'm going to walk back my judgmental tone. The way you did is a very traditional way of picking a dog. Go to the shop or pound, sit in a play pen or small room and play with the dog for a while, and then bring it home. It can still be done this way, and sometimes it's the only option available, but you're getting a very, very incomplete picture of the dog. 2 years ago, we added a "Bruno" to our family (2 kids and a lab) too. He was the 4th dog we met over the period of about 2 months. We saw each of the dogs at a variety of locations and brought the kids and the dog every time. Each tryout involved us (like you) spending some time with the dog first while ours sat in the house/car. 1 of the dogs didn't make it past this point, but all others did great. For those dogs we then introduced our dog in a neutral setting and took both on a walk together. We lost another dog from consideration during this step. For each of the 2 dogs that past the first two steps, we then released them with our dog in a contained area alone together. 1 of the dogs, that had done great up until that point, instantly turned aggressive. The other, "Bruno", played with Chester for over an hour and took their rests laying together. After a week of processing the dog with the rescue and agreeing to terms (which included the process for returning the dog if it didn't work out), we bought Bruno into our family. It worked out. This was the day we brought him home to stay. There were still some problems and surprises (he was a bolter with the door open and liked to counter surf), but we were pretty damn assured that he was going to fit. You're not bad people, you just miss your dog and got over your skis trying to replace it. It's a beautiful dog, and I'm sure a local doberman rescue will be happy to find it a new home. If, however, you're up for a challenge, hire a behavioral specialist immediately.
  20. What would you be saying to someone who started a post bitching about a roofer they hired without doing any due diligence? Find a rescue.
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