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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Here's a short clip from Real Sports years ago. If you have HBO Max I'm sure you can find the whole story. I remember it being pretty disturbing.
  2. It all depends how you're cooking the books. If you die from falling from scaffolding in the stadium onto the field, Qatar is going to count that. But what about the Nepali who died building an access road? Or all of the people who died of respiratory failure from the pollutants. Or the people who died from the poor living conditions (bad water, shotty electrical, etc). They die of those things in their own countries too, but they're only there because of the World Cup jobs. So do you count those folks or not?
  3. Oh fine. The number basically refers to all immigrants who died in the 10 year period of World cup build out. Qatar says that's pretty standard mortality rates, but it really isn't. Qatar officially lists the deaths at about 37, which is widely regarded as bullshit, but we're never really going to know.
  4. I posted both the story that reports it, and the fact check that explains the context.
  5. Gopher, I don't prefer his casual homer style either, but sheesh.... there are a whole lot of people who listen to him weekly that love him.
  6. That's a questionable number (there have been some estimates as high as 15,000) that was originally reported by The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022 Here's a decent fact check of that and other various claims: https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713
  7. https://boingboing.net/2022/11/16/world-cup-fan-village-being-compared-to-disastrous-fyre-festival-video.html Qatar has been prepping for the FIFA World Cup for 10 years, building stadiums, a new airport, new roads, and much more (to the detriment of at least 6,500 migrant workers, who have died since the constructions began). And their latest project? A "fan village" of shipping containers and tents, each that cost around $200–$300 per night, that will accommodate 60,000 out of 130,000 soccer fans expected to attend, according to Yahoo! Sport. But oops, someone posted a sneak-peek of the "deluxe" accommodations on social media (see video below), and now commenters are half-jokingly comparing the village to the disastrous Fyre Festival.
  8. 15 years younger than Trump. Just saying.
  9. I imagine it's been posted here before, but I saw this sticker on a car this afternoon. Made me chuckle.
  10. I watch every snap of every game. You?
  11. Kirko is going to have his pants around his ankle and the chain on his schlong this week on the plane ride home.
  12. What a game. Vikings could be a 3 or even 4 loss team but they continue to battle and find a way.
  13. Should have been a delay of game.
  14. 30-30 overtime. Vikings in field goal range, Bullshit.
  15. That wasn't a catchable ball.
  16. Are you watching a few minutes behind?
  17. They're going to tie this game, aren't they? Furk.
  18. Recency bias and all, but this might be the most incredible regular season football game I've ever seen.
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