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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I suppose you give yourself some wiggle room to come back later if you plan to vote early, but my wife voted early in-person yesterday and waited for hours. I went to the same place at lunchtime today and had zero wait. You never know.
  2. 20 years ago we hosted a backyard "Turkey Fry and Pie" concert and brought him and a couple of his buddies in to play. It was one of the greatest nights ever. There's really nothing better than a house concert, and he couldn't have been nicer. Somewhere out there there's a pic of me sitting on my roof with a red solo cup and a drumstick, jamming on some Charlie fucking Parr. He's in Cedar Falls later this month BTW.
  3. Oh man. Apparently, on the 8th day, God created this fucking guy.
  4. I've been dipping back into Charlie Parr of late. Pure Americana.
  5. I only get annoyed when the parents don't seem to care. If they're doing the reasonable things you do, cool. If, however, your two year old is climbing the back of my seat and grabbing my hair, that quickly (but not immediately) becomes a you thing.
  6. We actually upsized our primary luggage and did away with backpacks and briefcases . A Big ass rolling suitcase, a backpack diaper bag, and stroller. That's it. Beyond those kind of travel tips, just do it. The great thing about a young one like that is that you can still focus on adult activities- The kid doesn't care about children's museums and amusement parks yet, they only care about your attention which you can give almost anywhere. Of course you should be mindful of any distractions that the baby's presence could cause others, but don't be preoccupied by it. People hike the Pacific Coast Trail with infants. A European jaunt is no problem.
  7. My old beaten up shoulders can't reach my mid and upper back anymore. This simple gift from the kids has been a game changer- though they still get a kick out of me rubbing my back against corners like a bear.
  8. I've fallen for this before. True beliefs don't matter. The second they get elected it's about getting re-elected.
  9. Twin Cities area, MN. It was literally in the 80s earlier this week.
  10. Bruno quietly contemplating what in the fuck he did to deserve to be rescued by a family who lives in a place where snow accumulates in the middle of October.
  11. His reply should be... My opponent is Lauren Boebert.
  12. Modern debates don't require the ability to track and respond to statements/questions anyway. The only thing that matters is how quickly I can get into my talking points.
  13. TexasHooch

    NFL Week 5

    You can only stay middle of the pack for so long. Bottom always drops eventually. He's still a good coach.
  14. TexasHooch

    NFL Week 5

    Jefferson has most of the receptions.
  15. TexasHooch

    NFL Week 5

    Kirk Cousins is 17 for 17 passing attempts/receptions against the Bears. They are truly terrible. 21-3 2nd quarter.
  16. This will probably be deleted but here it is for now:
  17. It's Ricky's record for me. The quietest was the 1997 UCLA game down 38-0 in the 1st half.
  18. I had a strikingly similar conversation with my father In-law just last week.
  19. New nickname for Desantis! "The Big Fat No"
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