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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Yes and Yes- they even have matching embroidery! They were there to film a presidential campaign ad.
  2. Or when Howard Dean ruined his political career by saying "whaaaaaaa"!
  3. I know that Christian initiates the content that he gets ridiculed for, but I just can't help feeling sorry for him. He is so lost.
  4. What he thought is, how will this look in a 30 second campaign spot in which we have full editorial control on how it will be presented. Instead, he looks like an actor standing around the set in a ridiculous costume sipping coffee and eating a croissant in a paparazzi shot.
  5. Andrew Zimmern has a new show on the Outdoor Channel that's all wild game. https://www.outdoorchannel.com/onlineexclusiveepisodelisting/andrew-zimmern-wild-game-kitchen/458691 This is straight up cooking, none of the usual fluff, and I really like it. Good ideas here!
  6. https://heavy.com/news/chase-cominsky-jacob-runyan-lake-erie-walleye-fishing-cheating/
  7. I kid you not, I had to read this 3 times because I was convinced I was clicking on a thread about Luke Bryan. I originally keyed in on your floor to ceiling comparisons, and boy was I gonna come out swinging.
  8. I'm not sure I completely understand this. So, the 11th says that the special master should give interim reports. But then Judge Cannon says "No. Final report only"? Who has the authority in this specific matter, the 11th or Cannon? Edit. Wait. I don't think that's even it. It actually looks like she's going back on HER original order following the 11th's ruling (which had nothing to do with that). Someone explain this.
  9. I don't personally think he'll off himself, but contrary to your statement, suicide is definitely a thing among narcissists: https://annals-general-psychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12991-022-00380-8
  10. Yep. The people who are going to vote for Walker know full well he's stupid, but what does it matter really. What they require is someone who will vote "yes" or "no" when told. They'll put up with the embarrassing moments, as long as they get their stooge. It's a model that's been consistently working in the House for ever.
  11. Sorry if this has been covered, but does anyone know if any of the New York loan fraud occurred prior to any of Trump's bankruptcies. Seems like a really shitty situation could be even worse if it turns out he actually defaulted on loans that were fraudulently obtained.
  12. Here's the full text of the lawsuit. https://www.scribd.com/document/595752254/DeSantis-Class-Action
  13. Takeaway: If you're going to single out and manipulate scared, vulnerable people without means, maybe don't put them in the laps of fierce, savvy, highly educated, resourced people who hate you.
  14. God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth” [Gen 1:26–28] It's right there at the beginning honey- first couple of pages. I know even your dumbass made it that far. And just if you're wondering. It doesn't mean "the world is your toilet."
  15. https://grantstern.substack.com/p/records-confirm-ron-desantis-political?utm_medium=email Records confirm Ron DeSantis’ "political stunt" flights landed in Florida Panhandle
  16. Ted doesn't care if Ron gets in trouble for this. It's preferable. The perfect scenario for Ted is that Ron gets embroiled in this scandal, and Ted gets to whatabout Joe for the next 2 years. Win Win.
  17. Posting this thread on the off chance one of you is smart enough to decipher this:
  18. I posted the 1st bit of this earlier but this is a great question.
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