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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. No it won't happen. Biden will dutifully send aid and Desantis will organize a press conference at the site in which food and water is being distributed to hijack the credit. Same as it ever was.
  2. This is going to get real interesting, real fast.
  3. You are correct. All of the recently trafficked are here legally.
  4. Amnesty for what? There's zero indication that they've done anything wrong- quite the contrary.
  5. This is a really good thread for context to what's happening that I wasn't aware of.
  6. Dukes County absolutely lacks the resources to deliver coordinated services (of which housing is only a small part) to 50 people dropped on their doorstep. Even if it was mostly about housing (it's not), all of the current availability you site is private. There is a non profit there that has an arrangement with local hotels for emergency housing in the winter but no- nothing close to this extent. Of course it is true that they could kick down the doors of the hotels and cottages (well mansions but cottages sounds more quaint) that were shuddered after labor day weekend, I'm not sure how well that would play to the actual Martha's Vineyard elite- who can't be bothered from their mansions in Weston and Beacon Hill (you're allowed to call them mansions there).
  7. I can't wait until journalists begin to tell the individual stories of these folks.
  8. Well, yeah, I suppose. But in this case the government's assertions- specifically related to documents marked classified- aren't even being disputed. It's one thing if the point is contested. She's inferring that it's contested without having been told as much. Unless Trump's "truths" were a part of the legal response. If so, I missed it.
  9. When body language betrays your photo op. Look at this mother fucker sitting in that chair like a king on his throne. You absolute waste of flesh. You can't even feign engagement?
  10. What's the relevance of the original question? Did he just ask about a non-controversial amendment to bait a confused or incorrect response? Then the non-sequitur follow-up ... I mean, whatever. But she is fully capable of embarrassing herself. Why force it?
  11. I've read a bit recently about "appearance of fairness" doctrine. The burden for a court to not only be fair but appear fair seems like an impossible task in a case like this. In many ways the only way to appear fair to the defense is to be blatantly unfair to the prosecution.
  12. They live in Lubbock, let them have their fun.
  13. With Iowa and Wisconsin losing today, the class of the B10 West is...?
  14. LOL. Maybe. But at least I didn't feel the need to watch that hot garbage.
  15. Alabama is self destructing. It's honestly weird to see such a lack of discipline.
  16. Just made shit up. But at least they made it right.
  17. He wasn't even down. What The Fuck.
  18. What the hell is with that clarinet screeching in the background of the halftime show? Hideous.
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