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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I get the sentiment (Play stupid games, win stupid prizes). Although she was arrested a week before the invasion, there was an existing travel advisory going back to January. I can stipulate that, and still argue that she should be afforded due process, and is entitled to diplomatic and political US involvement if Russia's getting fucky with her case. Nuance doesn't hurt. It really doesn't.
  2. Are you having a little fun, or are you really that binary? I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you've criticized the US government under Biden- that's fine, so have I. Given that though, are you suggesting that if you traveled abroad and were (at least in your mind) unfairly treated by a foreign government, that you wouldn't advocate for the government to get involved on your behalf?
  3. Even if she has, it would only be ironic if the prior protest was for the US government's involvement in a foreign country's treatment of someone alleged to have committed a crime. Am I being ironic if I ask my kid to help me with the dishes after I admonished him for not making his bed?
  4. Bold strategy Cotton... I mean, I've seen this tactic with private residences, but not businesses.
  5. Huh? What in either my posts or the article leads you to believe that the inaction that's happening is caused by a desire to not overreact? Are you referring to desentization due to the frequency of shootings? That's just psychology. We normalize that which happens often. Fortunately, it's specific anecdotes like the one you mentioned that tend to snap us out of it. At least until the next one.
  6. Which "real San Antonio thread" ? This one: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/15892-san-antonio/page/9/#comment-3546070 or the 11 page long "San Antonio" thread that was still on the 1st fucking page of the forum when the one above was started? Seems as though there's a precedent for resetting it.
  7. It's a short summary of general findings. As any good researcher should, they acknowledge the fact that there is a small data set. If you want the full interpretation of findings, with trends and recommendations, they spend 240 pages doing it in the book.
  8. Thanks for the clarification, I did think you were referencing the research. I was just making the point that I think they agree with you. From a different article from the same authors: https://time.com/6184653/mass-shootings-america-how-to-stop/
  9. I'm not going to speak for James, but I can tell you that in my conversations with him, he's given me the impression that mental health support and crisis intervention is absolutely critical. And I don't think they're limiting mental illness only to psychosis, as much as they are highlighting it 1) because it's more acute than other disorders and easier to establish a link (rather than just an association), and 2) in order to address the common thinking that mass shootings are most commonly associated with someone "snapping".
  10. Small world. That's my neighbor's research. He's wicked smart. https://www.amazon.com/Violence-Project-Stop-Shooting-Epidemic/dp/1419752952/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1657217671&sr=8-1
  11. I got into this last night and quickly realized that 1) It's really, really good and 2) I can't watch anymore episodes right before bed- it stresses me out too much.
  12. This is an aside, but this post jolted my memory. Anyone remember the kid who was caned in Singapore years ago for stealing traffic signs? I feel like there was a much bigger outcry about that than the Griner arrest.
  13. As someone who grew up in SA and now lives in the Minneapolis area, I can attest that this advice is valid in both cities- maybe more so here, actually.
  14. Hell, It's not even just about western athletes playing in Russia. How about Russia's treatment of its own athletes playing abroad? The fix is in for them as well. I
  15. Why are you so quick to accept that the arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing is on the level? I'm not necessarily speaking to whether she actually committed a crime, but whether she was afforded Due Process. She is a high profile American being prosecuted by a country with a dubious record of using its criminal justice system for political gain. It's perfectly reasonable for our State Department to look into whether due process was followed in accordance with Russian law. If it's determined that it was, so be it. If, as I suspect, Russia is manipulating it's CJ system to leverage this situation politically, we should respond politically.
  16. I started a thread in Daily Texan with the same story. This is way too big a story to be buried here.
  17. Putting this here because it's really not a hockey story. This shit is crazy. Essentially, Russia is claiming that Kaprizov and others illegally obtained military IDs as a way of circumventing their duty to serve in the military. Smells like bullshit. Which is right on brand.
  18. It's all he's ever heard too, all through AAU and High School when he was even skinnier. It's been the case at every level and he's compensated for it at every level. He's got a huge chip on his shoulder about it, from what I hear from people who know him pretty well. I personally think the body weight and strength thing is a little lazy and overblown, but it's not unfair. I'm still a little bummed that he won't be with his high school buddy Jalen in Orlando, but OKC will be a good place to begin his career.
  19. Yeah. I'd say the shots are pretty similar.
  20. It's a great, totally unique, BBQ joint that offers great things like Fried Chicken, Brisket, Beans, and the aforementioned Rolls and Sweet Tea. It's not like anything else.
  21. I'd kill for a Mill Miller's roll and some sweet tea right now.
  22. If you can figure out how in the hell to keep this non-political go ahead and start it.
  23. It's either really obscure, or of his own design. He's got it everywhere.
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