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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/us/highland-park-illinois-4th-july-shooting-suspect-who-robert-crimo They did some real detective work in this article. They got the aspiring rapper bit, the youtube videos, the really creepy vimeo video, the fact that his dad was a mayoral candidate, and that he idolized Lee Harvey Oswald. Yep, I think that's just about everything.
  2. Where's Weirdo? Yeah, those are the ones I didn't post. There are others. It's hard to resist putting them out there because it's fresh and current, but this guy wants to be idolized. Why help.
  3. OK. I guess I'll post one picture of him. But just one.
  4. Or, he just really likes the brand of baseball caps. I don't know.
  5. Trump was the 45th president. If he runs and wins again...
  6. He's got a "47" tattoo on his face. Not sure of the significance, but I've got a wild guess.
  7. He's definately suicidal, but my hunch is that he'd prefer the cops to do it. We'll see.
  8. Yeah, he's the poster child for red flag laws. We'll have to see if anyone in his life tried.
  9. Doubt he's jewish. There's evidence out there that he latched on to some far alt-right stuff. Likely just another disturbed kid looking for a place to land.
  10. There's a much more prophetic video of him out there right now but I'm not going to post it cause fuck him. We can't prevent him from being some incel folk hero, but we don't need to feed into it.
  11. Well, there's probable cause level "know" where they've got everything they need for a search warrant and arrest, and there's reasonable suspicion level "know" where it's more likely than not but not quite enough to screem it from the rooftops yet. It's all conjecture of course, It just struck me that they're only throwing out a two year age frame.
  12. That's a very narrow age range. I think they know who they're looking for.
  13. Watch this scene and tell me this is a good performance- in contrast to Pete Postlethwaite, who plays it masterfully.
  14. Romeo and Juliet was his worst. Basketball diaries was his best.
  15. Kevin Costner Best- Bull Durham Worst- Robin Hood (couldn't even be bothered to use an accent)
  16. Read and understand the bills dumbasses. https://patch.com/minnesota/minneapolis/did-minnesota-just-accidentally-legalize-thc-laced-edibles
  17. Watching that debate clip reminds me more of a Christopher Guest scene than an SNL skit. Either way it's absurd.
  18. Apologies is its been discussed but, among the states that are criminalizing abortion, do we know what penalties are going to be assigned?
  19. At least it's a distraction from your diaper rash.
  20. According to the post, the individual was charged with Assault in the 2nd degree New York Penal Code § 120.05: Assault in the Second Degree A person is guilty of assault in the second degree when: 1)With intent to cause serious physical injury to another person, he causes such injury to such person or to a third person; or 2)With intent to cause physical injury to another person, he causes such injury to such person or to a third person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument; yada, yada, skip a few... 12) With intent to cause physical injury to a person who is sixty-five years of age or older, he or she causes such injury to such person, and the actor is more than ten years younger than such person. What an absolute nothing burger.
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