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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Genius reference. It warrants the clip.
  2. I love it when people try to advance popular twitter arguments here. It's like being in high school and writing a "check yes or no" note to a girl because it worked so well in 5th grade.
  3. Either this guy threw him a life line, or this is what he was going for- He retweeted it. Whatever. F him. Live by Twitter quips, die by twitter quips. He gave up intelligent discourse a long time ago.
  4. Agreed. The point though is that Fox, by essentially publishing a summary of dubious tweets under the guise of a news report, Is intentionally and in bad faith, leading their readers to believe that the tweet spin is how it actually went down. Dummies will read (ok skim) this article and actually walk away believing that the protesters commited a crime, we should arrest them all, charge them, and lock them up. We should also, apparently form a commision to invistigate it. Cuz insurrection.
  5. Woke up this morning and purposely went to Fox. Top of page was this: So of course my initial reaction was "Well shit. Here we go". I then clicked on the link and read through the "live update" thread. There was a story about Lebron not liking the decision, a story about how some protester in St Louis called abortion an act of love, and a couple others that had zero to do with anything approximating rage. There were 3 short stories I found that were even about public protests. One was about 20 people being arrested in New York (no reporting of specific violence or property destruction). There was another story about a tactical alert being issued in LA (and subsequently cancelled after nothing happened). Then there was the story pinned at the top: Oh shit. OK, this is the one that justifies the whole Night of Rage headline. Protesters breached security and are holding lawmakers hostage? Fuck. Then I clicked on the full story back on the main page. Wait. Uh, what? Seriously, read the article. Protesters threatened to break the AZ Senate entryway glass," Republican Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers tweeted So, they didn't? "Crowd was dispersed with tear gas." Rogers added, noting the protests were still continuing and the situation remained "very dangerous." Sure. When you want a crowd to disperse you use pepper spray. Works particularly well in entertainment districts after the bars close. But wait, they're still continuing and it's "very dangerous"? Well did they disperse or not? Feeling safe at the Capitol as I sit by 3 of my fellow senators who are armed," added Arizona State Legislator Warren Petersen. LOL. OK. The Republican Caucus of the State Senate also commended law enforcement for preventing an "insurrection." "Violent pro-abortion protestors' attempts of an insurrection at the Arizona State Senate were thwarted Friday night, thanks to the swift actions from local and state law enforcement," said Kim Q (Kim Q, LOL) The GOP group said the "extremist demonstrations" were carried out by people "forcibly trying to make entry [to the building] by breaking windows and pushing down doors." Oh, come on! It sounds like angry people protested and stopped at the front doors. Did people break windows and push down doors or not? Because there's literally nothing in the story to suggest they broke anything, or breached the building in any way. The situation escalated into a "hostage" situation as lawmakers were instructed not to exit the building, Republican Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend said. I saved my favorite for last. Note the quotes in hostage. They also did this with the word insurrection. Of course this wasn't a hostage situation, nor was it an insurrection. By all accounts right there in the article it was a tense but legal (ok maybe they didn't pull a permit) protest. By using quotes, Fox can "report" (see what I did there) the situation as an insurrection with hostages to their uneducated readers, while only the more discerning eyes will realize that they're really just (very) selectively quoting the words from dingbat MAGA lawmaker tweets.
  6. Yeah. You're right, though it's really the last statement that counts. The women (or provider who traveled to perform the procedure) may very well decide to stay in the state where the abortion takes place, but it doesn't prevent Texas from issuing a warrant. Usually a state that knows the location of someone with an outstanding felony warrant from another state will cooperate with extradition. Minnesota is clearly announcing it's intention to say "fuck off".
  7. So I've been thinking about this because I know somebody who is staunchly pro-life (It becomes a protected life at conception) but has also gone through IVF multiple times- ultimately successful after many failures. While I don't think that it's neccessarily contradictory to be both Pro-Life and Pro IVF, it does get sticky doesn't it? If you agree, as this person does, that an embryo is a person, doesn't that have serious implications to the process of IVF, and the ethics a procedure in which embryos are often discarded? To put it anonter way, If you believe that an embryo is a person, wouldn't you have to either have to restrict IVF, or somehow draw a distinction between "a person" in a petri dish and one in a womb?
  8. Yes they will. And the states that allow abortion are planning for it. https://patch.com/minnesota/southwestminneapolis/ag-ellison-vows-legally-protect-women-coming-mn-abortions
  9. https://scholarship.law.pitt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1515&context=fac_articles
  10. This won't be a restriction of travel per se, they'd be restricting your behavior when outside of the laws of your State. There are plenty of laws already on the books restricting behavior. This will be a very big new wrinkle to it but it will absolutely be attempted.
  11. For fellow nerds... https://scholarship.law.pitt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1515&context=fac_articles "The New Abortion Battleground" At over 50 pages, I've obviously not made it all the way through, but it's really really good.
  12. I'm not joking. I'm dead serious. Missouri has already tried it in relation to abortion. Some state will get it done. Thankfully, it will get legally challanged and will never pass muster with the Courts. (OK now I'm joking).
  13. Well, yeah. Except it won't be quite that simple for people with the means to travel, given that in some states it will be illegal to do so. Imagine being arrested in Texas because you traveled to Colorado two months ago to get high.
  14. I'm generally a States Rights kind of guy, but this statement speaks to me:
  15. For high profile soccer games they put up a big screen and every sits on the lawn to watch. It's a fun time.
  16. I just learned of it this morning and came to post. Gavin Kaysen is very good at what he does. He's very active too. There's a high likelyhood that you'll see him there working. https://artfulliving.com/mara-restaurant-minneapolis-gavin-kaysen-interview/
  17. Brit's Pub is right on the corner. (English pub fare with a beautiful roof top if the weather's nice.) Butcher's Tale isn't much farther. (The place for carnivors and whiskey nuts).
  18. Closed? Neither location is showing closed. Revival is great. I think I mentioned it at some point in here. Assuming you were at the Minneapolis location, I would have steered you towards http://www.gordoburgers.com/menu.html down the street.
  19. OK, not exactly disco. But Disco.
  20. These are not necesarily "can't miss" spots (Target Field itself is), but sticking to joints locals go and trying to stay in your parameters... Downtown Brit's Pub- Rooftop (Not a dive but pretty damn unique) Cuzzy's (The one dive bar hold out in the otherwise very trendy North Loop) Runyuns (Wings. Really good ones) Barrio (Tequila. Really good ones) The Depot (Small bar connected to the historic First Ave venue. I like to go there right before day games for fun people watching) Not Downtown (but not too far) CC Club (You asked for a classic Dive Bar) Matt's (Dive bar plus the famous Jucy Luicy. Might be beer and wine only though)
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