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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Yeah. Was just about to edit after, you know, actually reading the article. It's interesting.
  2. Sample size is 12,000. Aside from that, my guess is that it's the Q in LGBTQ. It's a pretty broad category.
  3. OK. Look. I'm pretty sure I'm in the exact same camp as you on this issue, so is it alright that that phrase made me wince? I mean that was literally my visceral reaction to it.
  4. Shit. Yeah I guess so. Didn't see that.
  5. Ha. No offense taken. I'm neither a hipster nor a MSP/SP resident ( I'm in Arden Hills). Bauhaus has a great outside area if the weather's nice, I'm just not into what they're best at. (Pilsners and Gose's). Similar thing with Utepils. Great tap room but German(ish) beers just aren't my preference. As for Surly... I get it, but come on. He has to go there. It's a cool spot, they usually have some rare and aged stuff, and -most importantly- it's fresh at the brewery. The main reason I don't buy surly retail anymore is because the distributor sits on that shit for weeks before putting it in the trucks.
  6. That's a good time to come. Bummer that the Twins won't be in town. I'm really not aware of many new and trendy spots downtown, but some of the spots already listed in this thread are gone, so I'll restate my favorites. Spoon and Stable- Get a reservation soon Bar La Grassa- I've never been disappointed Butcher's Tale- Used to be Butcher and the Boar. The place to go for a whiskey drink. Union Hmong Kitchen- This one's pretty new and I haven't been yet, but it's a Beard nominee and where the hell else are you going to get Hmong food than the Twin Cities (huge community here)? Key's Cafe- Hangover breakfast. Freehouse- It's more of a restaurant, but they brew their own beer and it's location is a perfect lunchtime jumping off point for a North Loop beer crawl. Trivia Mafia- If you like trivia, this company operates hosts trivia at a bunch of different spots. Their website will tell you what you need to know. Breweries... Damn, there's so many. First, read this to help develop a plan: https://wanderlustinreallife.com/twin-cities-brewery-crawl/ My favorites (in no particular order) are Modest, Pryes, Duel Citizen, Fulton, Surly, Indeed, Barrel Theory, Tin Whiskers, Dangerous Man. That's off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm missing some. Oh, one more. Though I don't go there often, you may really appreciate the concept behind The Lab https://thelabmn.com/
  7. Both methods are still taught. The theory behind Hands Only CPR is that in the first few minutes after arrest, 1) Circulation is more important than air, and 2) most bystanders do traditional CPR wrong- wasting too much time giving breaths before getting back to compressions. Hands Only CPR is simply more idiot proof. Just find the right spot, find the right pace, and push down hard. With fast response times for EMS, along with the prevalence of AEDs (defibrillators) in most public locations, It usually buys enough time.
  8. You're my guy then. Going with wife and kids (12 and 14) in late March. Looking for a Bonvoy property close to the action but not in it. Currently leaning the Marriott Warehouse because of it's proximity to the WWII Museum and relative distance from the nighttime debauchery. Doesn't seem to have an indoor pool though, which sucks but is not a deal killer. Which others should I be looking at? I'd prefer to not need a car but it's an option.
  9. That Ferris wheel scene is a masterpiece.
  10. I just read that article. I honestly can't believe it. What the fuck.
  11. From the streaming service that brought you Bosch and Jack Ryan, this show skews waaaaay more towards the latter in acting, writing, and direction. Longmire meets Roadhouse meets Scooby Doo. Much like Jack Ryan, as soon as I got over the disappointment over what it could have been, It was fine.
  12. I think all 5 are all Big 10, with 2 on the first team.
  13. I don't want to, but might have to rewatch as well. They have a recap on Netflix that I thought would be enough but it is hot garbage. I'll peruse Youtube for a narrated recap I guess, and rewatch if necessary.
  14. Headed down to Ames with my son on Friday. I had hoped when I bought the tickets that the stakes for both teams would be higher, but whatever. We'll have fun.
  15. Love the Freedy Johnston pick. I loved all his stuff, but I think it qualifies. I'll add a no brainer....
  16. Apparently Foxnews is concerned about the police shortage in Austin, so they brought in the expert to speak on it. In the video. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/austins-understaffed-police-tell-citizens-gather-evidence-crime-scenes-themselves
  17. 1 ep in and I'm already hooked. I'm a sucker for these as well. Always subtitles though. Never dubbed in English.
  18. 20-0, but it's much worse than the score suggests. Absolute domination.
  19. I know the Boundary Waters very well and go there often. It's really a must for any avid canoe camper. Happy to help if anyone has any questions. Mosquitoes are a thing for sure. My favorite time of year is the fall when that's not an issue. I've never tipped a canoe in the Boundary Waters (on accident anyway). If I have an inexperienced/young person with me, I stay away from the big water. Other than that, as long as one learns how to right a canoe, wears a vest at all times, and secures gear to the thwarts, you're going to be fine.
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