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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. I haven't bought a breakfast taco in about 10 years, but I make it as I preferred it; Roughly chopped, and generously sprinkled over the finished egg in the tortilla.
  2. Not since the Vikings played in the Metrodome. Gophers have had their own stadium on campus since like 2009.
  3. College football is better when Nebraska is good. But they hired Frost, so fuck em.
  4. Single game tickets are now on sale. Just snagged some for the UT game!
  5. Both of my parents as well as my sister are sick with Covid currently- all are vaccinated. Guess where they live. Fucking death merchant.
  6. That's the perfect response and, in my opinion, is as far as the homeowner should have gone with it. I've had old neighbor lady moments like this (not as absurd, but close), and you just verbally pat them on the head and go about your day. Honestly, as ridiculous as that specific complaint was, I actually appreciate when a neighbor has the balls to knock on a door and express their concerns. Too many people in my neighborhood just complain to the city- now that's Karen behavior. This just doesn't seem worthy of putting her on blast I guess.
  7. F the haters. The fact that you've taken a long time to consider it and make sure the time is right is a good thing, not bad. I've had a rescue lab that was 2 when we got him and a breeder lab that we got as a puppy. Both dogs were/are great in their own right. The rescue had health issues that took him too soon. The breeder dog brought with him all the joys of raising a puppy. It's fucking hard. Interestingly, acquiring the rescue dog can be just as expensive and a much bigger pain in the ass than buying from a breeder. Some of the people who run those organizations are self righteous assholes.
  8. Claustrophobia is specifically the fear of being trapped in enclosed spaces. My anxiety isn't limited to that. Agoraphobia, as defined by the DSM IV is: Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationally predisposed panic attack or panic-like symptoms. Agoraphobic fears typically involve characteristic clusters of situations that include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and traveling in a bus, train, or automobile. The updated DSM V is more specific. A marked fear or anxiety about two (or more) of the following five situations: Using public transportation Being in open spaces Being in enclosed spaces (e.g., shops, theaters, cinemas) Standing in line or being in a crowd Being outside the home alone. For me it's public transportation, enclosed spaces (particularly when other people are present), and a bit of standing in line.
  9. About 10 years ago I developed a mild agoraphobia (Feeling of being trapped) in planes and crowded theaters. Went to the doc and was prescribed lorazapam (Ativan) to take in those instances. It's perfect for me. I very rarely take it (15 pills will last a year) because just knowing it's there keeps me from feeling the need for it in the first place. I've considered cognative behavioral therapy over the years just to learn some techniques that will let me get rid of the crutch, but it's not a high priority and I just haven't gotten around to it.
  10. One of my earliest memories was sitting in a field at Kadena AFB in Okinawa watching these take off and land.
  11. I plan on taking my son to the Texas/Iowa St game this year. Hotel is reserved, just waiting on single game tickets to open up. Anyone know when that is? Either school, don't care which, just don't want to go secondary market if I can avoid it.
  12. Happy 4th! Perfect day for us, really. I took the kids to the horse track. Taught my daughter how to read a sheet. Son just picked long shots. He won on a 10-1 (errr I mean I did). Came home, grilled some flank steak and sword fish. Now the wife is off to find a fireworks display as I stay back to reassure the good boys that the world is not coming to an end. Fun day!
  13. Didn't like it one bit. The books are about Harry solving crimes. Sure, the department personalities, politics, and corruption are interwoven (in some books more than others), but at it's center it's a whodunit procedural. The TV show this season was the opposite of that. It's like they purposely picked a book with a relatively weak plot just so they could keep it out of the way of the soap opera. Maybe the spinoff will be a way to shed all of the peripheral characters and put the focus back on solving cases. We'll see.
  14. Here's a test: Speak out loud the word "warranty".
  15. The only thing I remember from Concrete Blonde in the 1st season is Harry in court defending himself for shooting a suspect. There's a lot more to get into if they want. I haven't seen season 6 since the day it came out, but didn't they reference in one of the later (maybe the last) episode a victim being found with something painted on her toenails. Maybe they'll have Edgar working it while Bosch works through the arson case. We'll see.
  16. Garden State Does The Exorcist count?
  17. As I understand it, the season will draw mostly on The Burning Room and The Concrete Blonde (my all time favorite).
  18. Ducked out of the trailer after 53 seconds, pissed that I saw as much as I did. I'm already going to binge it on the first day. No good can come from watching a preview.
  19. I don't know what the hell that is. Is "Subway platform pseudo funk" a genre?
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