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Certifiably Surly
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4629 Surly 10%

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  1. On Prime - a chilling look inside a small group of white supremacists who declared war on the federal government and waged a campaign of terror across several western states in the early 80s. Jude Law is really great.
  2. Sorry for your loss, Slorch. What outstanding debts do you believe may exist? It’s possible that if her income was minimal ( you mention she only had social security and pension) then she may not have owed any taxes or been required to file a return.
  3. This thread is taboo, and will bring bad luck to anyone who reads it.
  4. Godfather of Harlem Fight Night - The Million Dollar Heist
  5. St. Cletus, the patron saint of the hullabalooed, is the pisshead who was promised. Rejoice!
  6. I would gladly purchase an ornament sized version of this from the co-op just so I could remember that glorious thread every year during the holidays. Don’t lie - all of you would too.
  7. “Keep Texas, Texas” -says dipshit who doesn’t know how to store his cowboy hat.
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