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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Lol - like Ricky Bobby talking shit to Jean Gerard.
  2. Erwin Avon Nacher sounds like a pseudonym that Brian Fantana considered, but ultimately rejected, for his left testicle.
  3. Stillwater - a jumbled, long, and boring mess
  4. I’m sure it will look more slimming on you.
  5. Hopefully this is just an elaborate ruse, and he's chillin at an Omaha area Cinnabon.
  6. Reminds me of the time on a ski trip in Vail when my wife assured me that Led Zeppelin was playing a concert (one night only!!!), and it just happened to be that night. Not taking no for an answer, the kids and I walked over to this little outdoor pavilion to appease her. It was these chicks: They were good.
  7. Kid’s day at MMP… …means guest portraits from budding young artists
  8. New addition at my niece’s house… Bob the bloodhound. Gloom, despair, and agony on me….whoaaa!
  9. I think you are confusing being pissed with our feeling of validation that Nebraska did the right thing in shit canning the BIG 12 when we did. In this game of Musical Chairs, we grabbed our seat years ago.
  10. Gwardians would’ve been so much better
  11. This Tory bastard is always looking down on others.
  12. Calorie McMuffin, Jr. Shake and quake
  13. Unhinged- okay for the most part I guess. Crowe is a fat fuck.
  14. Well, CTJ takes his (alleged) foot speed very seriously.
  15. By that point “everyone” had pretty much been narrowed down to a bunch of spares, and I don’t think Patsy would’ve had much trouble getting them to fall in line. With Carlo Gervasi flipping, and Jason Parisi being implicated in the same shit that Carlo’s son Jason was arrested for, Patsy was in a kill or be killed scenario. Not to mention the revenge factor for his twin brother being whacked by Tony.
  16. That theory could be right. But I think Patsy Parisi makes more sense.
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