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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. Or stuck under another bridge with no cell signal.
  2. Go fuck yourself you utterly humorless, self-absorbed, bloviating, asshole. You are a goddamned beating.
  3. It’s like y’all don’t even remember that helobodouche doesn’t pay up on bets that he loses. See - the bet(s) he made previously where he proclaimed that he would never post again if he lost. He’s a regard who should be met with scorn and derision every time he finds a reliable WiFi signal in the valley.
  4. Strom may have his work cut out for him here.
  5. MC Orange must’ve designed those
  6. Player

    Fat People

    This fat people thread just feels like it’s missing something… There, that’s better.
  7. He was just joking people. That’s merely locker room accounting talk. No reasonable person would take that as the truth. - Sidney Powell and (insert name of sycophant here)
  8. She’s already said that she would never relinquish the name or colors as long as she’s living. So fuck her.
  9. https://www.click2houston.com/news/investigates/2021/06/30/galveston-montgomery-county-to-send-local-resources-to-help-with-border-crisis/ Truly, you have a dizzying intellect Mr. Henry.
  10. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/06/29/galveston-montgomery-county-judges-makes-announcement-on-border-security/ Galveston County has entered the chat.
  11. What does the napkin on the tray table say? “Spirit” I am shocked. This is my shocked face.
  12. I tell you, this steak still has marks where the jockey was hitting it.
  13. I think LilShep’s team could give us a run for our money tonight.
  14. I thought the first one was after he saw his dad and junior rough up old man satriale, when Johnny was trying to sex up Livia?
  15. I thought the first one was after he saw his dad and junior rough up old man satriale, when Johnny was trying to sex up Livia?
  16. October 1st can't get here fast enough.
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