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Certifiably Surly
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  1. The sun don’t shine on the same ol’ dog’s rear end everyday. - DKR But today it’s shining on Bluto’s.
  2. I've tried several times, but I simply cannot read this sentence without hearing Frank's voice.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^Patsy had two sons, the youngest also named Jason. "The two Jasons" were sorta friends with AJ, and were cutting their teeth on organized crime on the Rutgers student body via bookmaking, drug dealing, and aggravated assault.
  4. This is not the dumbass shit I saw on facebook thread, brat.
  5. Angel behind the plate again. Fuck
  6. Correct on both counts. After she got involved in the soccer mom scrap she kinda seemed like she was making a good-faith effort to straighten her shit out with the anger management stuff. Tony of course couldn't stand to see her happy, so he goaded her until she tried to stab him at the dinner table. Just another typical sunday family dinner in northern NJ, really.
  7. Get your cart off of the green, asshole. And replace your fucking divots!
  8. Helobious loves ya, baby!
  9. Any reviews from the new Killen’s BBQ in MMP? Thinking about giving it a shot today.
  10. Funny, I could’ve sworn I saw the grounds crew rake the base paths after the 3rd.
  11. Why is the out of town scoreboard at MMP not working? Was this mentioned last night?
  12. The clip from that interview that he gave to (NBC?) where he was verbalizing punctuation, "period" "comma" "period" ,was pretty sad. He was clearly messed up from either the concussions, the booze, the pills, or likely all of the above.
  13. Because on a subconscious level D&S offer plausible deniability for their own racism... i.e., "I'm not racist! I have black friends!" Or...
  14. Did Rusty represent Yates? I thought that was George Parnham.
  15. You're talking about people who enjoy golfing in their own excrement. https://www.kbtx.com/content/news/Report-118-million-gallons-of-sewage-found-flowing-from-AM-to-golf-course-Wolf-Pen-Creek-481553711.html They would gladly equate swimming in Buffalo Bayou with purifying themselves in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.
  16. I remember feeling exactly like this after we lost Brutus. And now it's hard to imagine life without Bluto. I think Deej has it right...you're never going to replace Crosby. But you are going to find another dog that's also going to give you way more than love than you'll ever be able to return. What else in life offers that kind of guaranteed return on your investment? Do it.
  17. The canine/crustacean battle for supremacy was way more entertaining than Godzilla v. Kong.
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