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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. 62lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal. I sit where I want bitches.
  2. That sucks. RIP Johnny
  3. If you have a problem, and no one else can help,and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the Cray team.
  4. That Fauci segment on 60 Minutes last night clearly touched a nerve. Donald is such a thin-skinned pussy.
  5. I love the Paco hounds. They remind me of the Bumpus hounds. SONS OF BITCHES!!!!
  6. Mensa my ass!
  7. Who is the “celebrity voice” supposed to be that’s being impersonated in the GF radio spot? Howard Cosell? Howard Stern? Howard in Memorial?
  8. Feeling much better now about our chances the rest of the way. You're too stupid to realize that you are to the Yankmes what Branding Iron is to aggy.
  9. My signed lilshep baseball is gonna be worth big bucks some day.
  10. Man, I’m sorry to hear that SBB. Crosby has been a mainstay here for a long time. Hope you can get him out on the boat again. He always looked so happy, albeit completely unqualified, when he was serving as first mate.
  11. Wait a minute... John Jenkins became a priest? And is now the president of Notre Dame? And now has the covid? I'd like to see him run and shoot his way of this one.
  12. My bullshit meter is pinging. How many times have we heard dotard whine about how the China virus derailed his “greatest economy in history”? This sorta has the same feel. Dotard’s fragile ego won’t allow him to accept that he’s going to lose the election, so his pea brain fabricates a lame excuse to rationalize the loss. “I won the debate BIG, and was leading in all of the REAL polls, and would’ve easily cruised to a second term if only the China virus hadn’t forced me off the campaign trail.” He loves to see himself as the victim because that allows him to avoid taking responsibility for his actions, and hey guess what? Nobody’s talking about what an unabashed shithead he was during the debate anymore, are they?
  13. Who wears a jacket out in public with the tag still on the sleeve? Yawn.
  14. Whatever happened to skipperj?
  15. Biden should strenuously object to Trump’s failure to comply with subpoenas to produce his tax returns.
  16. Perfectly cromulent
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