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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Demeaning church officials to put their false prophet on a pedestal. Go fuck yourselves republicans.
  2. I heard that the next project for these agrinauts will be raising the wreck of the old '72 Chevrolet Silverado to re-examine the cause of death of three aggy who tragically lost their lives when the pickup they were passengers in drove into the Brazos River. The driver, who coincidentally happened to be a Longhorn, was able to roll down the window and escaped unharmed, but the aggy were riding in the bed and couldn't get the tailgate to open.
  3. Well, no, of course not. But what if he told you that we would soon have super duper missiles? Is that something you’d be interested in?
  4. Fuck the Hennepin County medical examiner for throwing in that speculative bullshit about "potential intoxicants in his system" contributing to Floyd's death.
  5. Nothing wrong with a gentleman of his age being slightly rotund. It befits his stature and gives him a wise, almost scholarly, demeanor. I'm sure he'll be a good mentor for the new pup.
  6. Derp may be sporting a gray beard and a bit on the portly side. But he still looks high af.
  7. How would you feel about being merlot'ed?
  8. I believe that you are a pious man, brisket. But please don't forget about Ronald McDonald, the patron saint of myocardial infarction, or High Fructose Corn Syrup, the patron saint of diabetic ketoacidosis, in your prayers. They too offer us hope, my son.
  9. So what does your sticker actually say, Doom? Readers want to know.
  10. Those officers need a thin blue line... ...wrapped tightly around their necks and attached to a gallows.
  11. "Y'all ready to go see some Christmas lights?!!??"
  12. Maybe he moved in with his auntie and uncle in Bel Air?
  13. That’s the way I remember it as well. He may have given an update later on regarding the criminal cases and sentencing, and I think even that was full of “holy shit” stuff. Hopefully the poster made it over here, will see this , and can give an update.
  14. Who was the poster at TOS who shared the tale of narrowly escaping a home invasion/kidnapping somewhere up in methlahoma? I can’t recall if anyone got murdered in that fiasco, but it was a riveting story nonetheless, chock full of “holy shit” moments.
  15. Back in the USSR
  16. Owned
  17. Well I’m hiding out in Waco, with a chick who looks like a man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.
  18. Lillian can NOT use the phone!
  19. Stockpiles should return to normal once the arrhythmias start kicking in,no?
  20. The fallen logs are a nice touch too. Very “red ass” as they say.
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