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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. He's a self-absorbed know-it-all. He has many leather bound books, and his apartment smells of rich mahogany. He's kind of a big deal.
  2. I may have missed it, but I think there needs to be a specific mention in aggypedia about the boot slide.
  3. He's just repeating what Candi always said about getting over the hump - just a few more inches.
  4. Lobo - you are a weird fucking duck man. And your passive/aggressive schtick when you get called out on it is lame as shit.
  5. aggy all-time leading rusher, and current special guest of the State of Texas, Darren Lewis
  6. You gotta be shitting me. These are embarrassing even for a muni softball league.
  7. Ah, yes...Donnie knows a "perjury trap" when he sees one.
  8. Was coming here to post Ironhead. I went to the last ever Bluebonnet Bowl in 1987, and he put on a hell of show...30 carries, 136 yards, and a TD. But the star of the show that night was this guy: Little Tony Jones caught a bomb on the first play from scrimmage for a 77 yard TD. He later had a 40 yard TD reception, and finished with 8 catches for 242 yards and 2 TDS. The Oilers roster listed him at 5'7" and 139lbs.
  9. Anyplace is alright as long as I Can forget I’ve ever known ya.
  10. Was it a mattress scale at least?
  11. Amen! Law and order prevails!!! Hopefully Smails sends him to the gas chamber so he learns his lesson.
  12. Swayze (or any other Houston area shutterbugs) - you may be interested in this flyover coming up on 5/8. P-51, B-25, and several more vintage aircraft.
  13. Hopefully a neighbor of Alex Jones will use that video to castle doctrine his lard ass.
  14. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    I blame our aggy overlord.
  15. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    220 volts. Or maybe 221. Whatever it takes.
  16. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    220 volts. Or maybe 221. Whatever it takes.
  17. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    220 volts. Or maybe 221. Whatever it takes.
  18. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    220 volts. Or maybe 221. Whatever it takes.
  19. Player

    Gym Pet Peeves

    220 volts. Or maybe 221. Whatever it takes.
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