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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. Brisket , you’re genuinely a good egg, and your heart is definitely in the right place. But who told you it was your burden to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? That you recognize this undue stress that you’re suffering from as a psychosis is probably a good thing. Continue doing what you can for your fellow man, but don’t forget to take care of yourself too. The oxygen masks have figuratively deployed. Be sure to put yours on before you pass out while trying to help others. You’ve got some extra stuff on your plate that many aren’t contending with, so I’m sending good thoughts your way. This too shall pass.
  2. Pickings were mighty slim, but I scored the last flat bench from my Academy, along with an Olympic curl bar, various plates, kettlebells, and dumbbells. Do you even lift coronavirus?
  3. Time for the 2020 corona burpee challenge of doom? Who threw that xcel together last time to track progress?
  4. This affront to German judgement shall not stand. The proper name is Operation Barbarossa 2 - Electric Bugaloo
  5. You random son of a bitch! Typical run of the mill bastard!
  6. You trying to run the cup o’ pizza guy outta business? What are you, some kinda jerk?
  7. No, I don’t believe that “most” will agree that shirt is fine. Unless you’re talking about most aggy, or simpletons such as yourself who think it’s funny or “good bull” to attention-whore in the middle of a global pandemic. It’s fucking stupid, but of course totally on-brand for aggy. It is from the seeds of ignorance like this that delusions of aggy grandeur germinate. You probably believe they had more officers serve in WWII than all of the service academies combined, don’t you? Or that aggy singlehandedly saved the world’s supply of coffee: That you would give your tacit approval to such dipshittery, and simultaneously dunk on yourself with a Rocko “yawn”, is pure fucking poetry.
  8. aggy will buy anything if it’s maroon
  9. I will gladly not pay you on Tuesday, for a hamberder today.
  10. Those dogs look completely ashamed to be riding around with that douche. I hope they bite him.
  11. stanco has to be at least part aggy to require an explanation for this.
  12. I like Nacho's dad. Sharp and unhesitating about calling bullshit when he sees it, but always a gentleman. "Nice to meet you, young lady!"
  13. Not a book, but for an interesting look at the cartel life, check out Narco Cultura on Amazon prime.
  14. Took your chances on a big jet plane. Never let 'em tell you that they're aaaa-all the same.
  15. Pretty much the same story in Harris County. With the exception of one JP court position, I think every woman on the ballot won her judicial race. Undefeated.
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