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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Since I will be at DKR watching the Horns lay the smack down on LSU on 9/7, I'll give you my 2 tickets for that game against the Mariners for the low, low, price of - free. Send me an email address that I can forward tix to via PM if you want them.
  2. 4 Texans entered. The first to cross the finish line, in 34:03:07, was 63 yr old lady from San Leon. A 45 yr old dude from Fort Worth finished in 37:24:13. There's 31 yr old guy from Lipan, TX still on the course somewhere past the 122.7 mile marker, and 51 yr old lady from Friendswood who has crossed the 90.6 marker. I was thinking I would skip my 4 mile run this afternoon because of the heat, but now I feel like a slacker.
  3. I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter. Another really well done documentary on HBO. Carter is currently 5 months into the 15 month sentence that she received, but just filed an appeal to the Supreme Court arguing that her conviction violated both her right to free speech under the 1st Amendment and her right to due process under the 5th Amendment. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michelle-carter-who-encouraged-boyfriend-s-suicide-appeals-su
  4. One of my favorite parts of the listeater saga... ...is that all of those rubes stood in that line for the privilege of watching Fran shit the bed in the Cotton Bowl.
  5. In North Philadelphia caught and slayed, On the sidewalk was where most of my brains were sprayed.
  6. Sounds like the rest of the group hit their recommended daily allowance of slorch, and hit the eject button. LOlz.
  7. How insensitive of you, sir! Are you trying to suggest that the borderline retarded are incapable of turning out pics of quality bbq that they have pilfered from other sources?
  8. Effective right meow, this goofy fuckface is no longer sitting on the bench in Wisconsin municipal court. http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/brendan-dasseys-meowing-former-lawyer-is-suspended-from-the-bench?utm_source=salesforce_88080&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=salesforce_88080&sc_sid=00606924&utm_campaign=&promo=&utm_content=&additional4=&additional5=&sfmc_j=88080&sfmc_s=45941525&sfmc_l=1527&sfmc_jb=265&sfmc_mid=100027443&sfmc_u=3617814 Amazingly enough, he unfortunately still has a license to practice. Meanwhile, Dassey rots away in a cell, still wondering who won Wrestlemania.
  9. Ha Ha -very funny motherfuckers. That helmet affords wearers the same level of protection that pedo state gave to children in their locker room.
  10. Nice try Dotard. But this guy is a better poo flinger than you. He's also more stable, smarter, and better looking.
  11. Uranium? That’s an oops that has Rick Perry’s name written all over it.
  12. Welp - that’s ball 4 and Jim Bouton has drawn the eternal walk. That dude lived an interesting life.
  13. Da me la tapa, por favor.
  14. She looks like an extra from the set of HBO’s Chernobyl. Straight out of central casting. The best radiation poisoning, believe me.
  15. “That supermarket/convenience store over there probably has peanut butter and jelly.” “Everybody else - our reservation is at 7:00 pm sharp.”
  16. I love the NextDoor histrionics on July 4th.
  17. You couldn’t see spending the rest of your life with your head hung down in shame? You know you might’ve been born just plain white trash, but Fancy is your name! Here’s your one chance Fancy, don’t let us down.
  18. Gotdamn, Mike Judge is a fucking prophet.
  19. As evidenced by the fact that Art Rascon is still yammering away on Ch.13 despite being bitten by a copperhead, this unfortunately appears to be true.
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