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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. "Go fuck yourself, San Diego!"
  2. "...where her gina is winding, big nuggets they're finding. NORTH, to Alaska!"
  3. give em hell, give em hell...make em eat shit!
  4. Hey look... her tongue is slipping again.
  5. Sure Billy, aggy is "ahead of the game". I think the score is: aggy - 1 white rock lake joggers - 0.
  6. Shouldn’t this say “CombOver”?
  7. Always loved the look on his face when they were in Italy sitting down for a nice meal. “Can I just get some macaroni and gravy?”
  8. Try using your left hand.
  9. Are you the coach, or just helping get the team organized and registered? If you're embarking on a summer of tournament ball, and are going to be a spectator, then it is essential that you procure the following: I miss the days when I was coaching/watching my son play. It goes pretty fast, so enjoy it while you can. Can't say I miss some of the absolutely brutal heat though, but the items above helped make it bearable. Try to find a couple of side panels for your shade tent - lifesavers when you're dealing with the setting sun. And be sure to put some tent stakes in your bag (along with a hammer) in case you get a storm. The REI camp-x chair is unsurpassed for comfort in hot weather.
  10. https://electronicdreams.biz/ Rick is a good dude, and can set you up with whatever you need/want.
  11. Astros after dark makes it's first stop of the year in Oakland... ...prepare to be annoyed. I hate these dorks.
  12. Suck it Helobious
  13. Have an extra pair (free) in Sec. 131 to see us sweep the helobiouses tonight. PM if you want them.
  14. And no astroglide either from the looks of it.
  15. I have one extra if anyone wants to go tonight. Send PM if you're interested.
  16. The t-shirt giveaway is sponsored by HEB. I wonder if she sued them as well.
  17. Chocolate?
  18. What revolver? I know during one of the first press conferences Art referenced a .357 revolver. But when they catalogued the weapons that were recovered, my recollection was that a .357 revolver was not listed. Maybe this was subsequently clarified and I missed it, but it stuck out to me at the time as one more thing that HPD lied about.
  19. I’ll be there, but not sure when. Waiting on my son to drive in from Austin.
  20. As well they should. Nobody’s buying tickets to go see the umps, and jackasses like this are bad for the game. The “I can do whatever the fuck I want” remark, coupled with the prior instances of being a little bitch, is pretty damning evidence that he’s lost his perspective.
  21. I’ve never seen any merchandise for an opponent in the team stores at MMP. Not saying it’s never happened, but I sure don’t recall ever seeing Rangers gear for sale at our park. I’ve been to every MLB Park, and other than a few stores that sold all team caps (like a Lids), I don’t recall seeing other team merchandise for sale at any of them.
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