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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. So much stuff to unpack in the next 2 episodes: the derailment of the 1990 investigation, the falling out between Wayne and Roland, the death of Amelia, the estrangement between Wayne and Becca, the resolution (hopefully) of the case once and for all. Hold on to your butts.
  2. Cold Pursuit - terrible Also saw Serenity a couple of weeks ago, and that was double wtf terrible. I give both of these movies the finger.
  3. Fenves pretty much already told PETA to fuck off - Bevo’s staying.
  4. Other than the gray hats, pretty damn sharp.
  5. Officers shot with .357 pistol or rifles and shotguns? “white powdery substance” or cocaine? Still no lab report confirming that “boy” is heroin? No other heroin recovered? No plastic baggies? No other paraphernalia? No surveillance footage or pics from other buys during a 2 week operation? Really??? The controlled buy with the CI was the ONLY drug transaction during a 2 week operation? No statements or testimony from neighbors confirming (or even suspecting) that there was irregular activity at the house? No body camera footage? Sounds like Art has ‘em working in shifts.
  6. I don’t believe the CI was “relieved”. Wasn’t it one of the officers? I can’t believe they haven’t produced a lab report yet confirming whether the “boy” that the CI purchased was actually heroin.
  7. Are you taking the combined supplement, or taking them separately? I can't recall exactly, but I've heard that taken before a workout can cause some gastro issues.
  8. No side effects (nausea, cramping) from taking these? Do you take them before or after working out?
  9. Wait, is this real? Johnny emulates Rick Perry when he runs?
  10. Maybe in whatever mid-atlantic pantywaist state you call home, but that dog won't hunt here.
  11. Brisket - don’t forget the innocent bystanders who may not even be in the house when the raid goes down - i.e., the neighbors.
  12. Unless she signed a transfer on death deed before she passed away, I don’t think you can avoid probate for the house. Sorry for your loss.
  13. I refuse to believe that the broken leg that the aggy suffered on the golf course wasn’t because he fell off the ball washer on the first tee box.
  14. There was a poster at TOS who had a cane corso. I don’t know anything about them, but his dog is beautiful and looked like it would sufficiently scare the shit out of anyone who had less than good intentions.
  15. I want it louder, more power... I'm gonna rock it til it strikes the hour.
  16. Don't forget the cost of the civil suit by the heirs of the homeowners, should they decide to pursue it. I realize that these affidavits involve a fair amount of cutting and pasting, but it is still pretty lazy to continuously refer to the owner of the premises as "a white male whose name is unknown". Two weeks of investigation, and they never bothered to just look at the HCAD records to see who owned the property, and then cross reference the DPS? If the confidential informant alleges "there were a large number of plastic baggies", then where are they? I don't recall Art mentioning the recovery of them or other paraphernalia that might be used for distribution. And if the homeowner was dealing small quantities of heroin in plastic baggies, then surely the CI wasn't the only customer who bought at the house during the 2 weeks when the investigation was active. Where are the surveillance pics from those transactions? Why is there no reference to them in the affidavit? The neighbors who have lived by these people for 30 yrs didn't say anything about strangers coming and going at all hours. I think they would've noticed, especially since they seem to interact with the homeowners on a regular basis. This thing stinks to high heaven.
  17. Because he wants what he wants, and he wants it NOW, dammit.
  18. Or he's priming the pump to declare national emergency based upon "Invasion"!!!!!
  19. Maybe she’s got a motor in the back of her Honda? Does she play workout tapes by Fonda? Have you checked your anaconda?
  20. Definitely an improvement imo.
  21. Objection, non-responsive. (Also, assumes a shitload of [alleged] facts that are not in evidence.) But for the sake of argument, let's go ahead and assume that there was "at least one UC buy from the location, multiple informant buys from the location, and surveillance of foot and motor vehicle traffic." That's a considerable expenditure of department resources, and would provide probable cause for not only a search warrant, but also an arrest warrant. Why wouldn't HPD simply wait for Tuttle to go to HEB, or to take his wife to the doctor for cancer treatment, or to walk his dog, etc. to place him under arrest, and then search the house? Your alleged facts, even if they are all true, do not constitute exigent circumstances or provide a reasonable justification for busting down the front door. It sounds like it could have been handled differently and in a much safer manner that wouldn't have unnecessarily put lives at risk.
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