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Certifiably Surly
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  1. https://www.click2houston.com/news/investigates/channel-2-investigates-major-questions-raised-about-raid-turned-shootout-after-warrant-reviewed Heads need to fucking roll for this bullshit.
  2. Strom already looks to be in peak mid-season form.
  3. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot - this is a great film, and Joaquin Phoenix and Jonah Hill were both terrific.
  4. Is it just me, or are those the steepest goddamn bleachers ever? One too many Molsons and one misstep and you could tumble all the way out to the middle of the 55 fucking yardline.
  5. When no-knocks go bad inside the loop in Houston, nothing happens. It's just another suspect dead, dead, dead... Straight outta H-town, lazy motherfucker named Art Acevedo...
  6. These particular cops said that this raid was the end result of a two week operation. Regardless of whether they questioned any neighbors, they damn well should have been able to observe that with their own eyes during that time.
  7. I don't know about all that. But they probably are mostly large.
  8. What about the assholes on here who choose avatars who would never knowingly be associated with them? News flash: those assholes are the worst.
  9. No appreciation for hustle and entrepreneurship. Those 40 subscriptions to Vibe aren't just going to sell themselves.
  10. Currently sitting at 21% on rotten tomatoes, but hey man it’s cool. Whatever floats your boat.
  11. Yeah, Wayne's daughter is Becca. I got the same impression that something happened to her, or that she and Wayne were estranged.
  12. So much stuff to unpack in the next 2 episodes: the derailment of the 1990 investigation, the falling out between Wayne and Roland, the death of Amelia, the estrangement between Wayne and Becca, the resolution (hopefully) of the case once and for all. Hold on to your butts.
  13. Cold Pursuit - terrible Also saw Serenity a couple of weeks ago, and that was double wtf terrible. I give both of these movies the finger.
  14. Fenves pretty much already told PETA to fuck off - Bevo’s staying.
  15. Other than the gray hats, pretty damn sharp.
  16. Officers shot with .357 pistol or rifles and shotguns? “white powdery substance” or cocaine? Still no lab report confirming that “boy” is heroin? No other heroin recovered? No plastic baggies? No other paraphernalia? No surveillance footage or pics from other buys during a 2 week operation? Really??? The controlled buy with the CI was the ONLY drug transaction during a 2 week operation? No statements or testimony from neighbors confirming (or even suspecting) that there was irregular activity at the house? No body camera footage? Sounds like Art has ‘em working in shifts.
  17. No - that was Grant.
  18. I don’t believe the CI was “relieved”. Wasn’t it one of the officers? I can’t believe they haven’t produced a lab report yet confirming whether the “boy” that the CI purchased was actually heroin.
  19. Are you taking the combined supplement, or taking them separately? I can't recall exactly, but I've heard that taken before a workout can cause some gastro issues.
  20. No side effects (nausea, cramping) from taking these? Do you take them before or after working out?
  21. Wait, is this real? Johnny emulates Rick Perry when he runs?
  22. Maybe in whatever mid-atlantic pantywaist state you call home, but that dog won't hunt here.
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