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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I wonder what gives? Those businessmen's specials drew pretty big crowds last year.
  2. poor aggy - eternally doomed to try to imitate us. So fitting that we scrubbed them from the postseason while they wore those unis.
  3. Yeah, but soon they’ll be shitting in high cotton.
  4. But it sounds like his tenants are fortunate enough to not have to shop at Randall’s. So they’ve got that going for them.
  5. You're characterizing the county's insurance policy as if you have actually read it. Maybe you have, I don't know. But aren't intentional acts generally excluded from coverage?
  6. This is the moment when Donald J. Trump became President. A THOUSAND HAMBERDERS OF LIGHT!
  7. Was Trump being rhetorical about how many burgers would be left over? Because I guarantee Huckabeef was hiding behind the drapes inhaling them sumbitches.
  8. Lifetime, Villa Sports, LA Fitness, etc. all have a variety of classes (and yoga is a good suggestion if you want to improve flexibility) that meet throughout the day, and would be able to accommodate your changing schedule. If you don’t want to sign a contract at a gym, there are also yoga places (new one in Town Lake for instance) that will let you pay by the session.
  9. Switched to almond flour over cauliflower a while back as well. This is the one we use: https://www.ditchthecarbs.com/fat-head-pizza/
  10. That first pic (with the the matching striped shirts) gets me every time. They look like a gospel group auditioning for Hee-Haw.
  11. Better play it safe... and call an expert.
  12. You should be placed on double secret probation for misquoting Dean Wormer.
  13. In John Deere green, on a hot summer night, he wrote "Steely Shank don't love beans"
  14. I think if any aggy scores 77 on an IQ test, they would celebrate by dancing.
  15. I hope he tries to say “anonymous” again.
  16. Third boxcar midnight train, destination trixie’s brain.
  17. Chrispy is a poon alright, but he ain’t no Comanche.
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