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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. Flights and hotel booked for Yankees series in June. I know Scraps said previously that he'll be there. Who else is going?
  2. Lock, stock, and two smocking barrels
  3. If he makes a big deal out of it, just tell him that it’s not your dog.
  4. Tamperin’ with mailboxes is a felony offense.
  5. I wonder what listeater is up to these days? Narrator: bout tree fiddy
  6. We talking rich corinthian leather?
  7. Two that really aren't considered great movies, but still do a pretty good job of depicting the seediness of New Orleans: Heaven's Prisoners - Alec Baldwin as Dave Robicheaux, a great character from the really great book by James Lee Burke, but the movie is pretty meh. Blaze - Paul Newman as Huey Long who gets drunk a lot and falls in love with a stripper. Notwithstanding the star power of the cast... ...I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?
  8. Last season actually ended on a strong note, and I thought everything had pretty much been wrapped up. I was surprised that they decided to come back for another season, and now wish I hadn’t bothered. It’s awful.
  9. The hair. It’s always about that combover.
  10. Player


    You name shamers go ahead and laugh it up. You won't be laughing when X12 shows up.
  11. That’s got to chap aggy’s ass, seeing as how they run this state and all.
  12. Why does it seem like the "special" things built by aggy rarely stand the test of time?
  13. Had to go back to get his rake in case there are any pine needles on the floor.
  14. Kyler is a bitch. Just like you Buddy. One punch in the mouth will shut both of you bitches up.
  15. Alas... ...the Flying Dutchman awaits us all. RIP Mr. Hillenburg.
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