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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. Either one (or both) of these gentlemen will do.
  2. Penelope - if you’re going big in Mallorca, please consider going to Deia and staying a couple of nights at La Residencia. https://www.belmond.com/hotels/europe/mallorca/deia/belmond-la-residencia/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9u6w0s6Q-wIV03NvBB0gbQnDEAAYASAAEgKblvD_BwE About 30-45 minutes from Palma, and an all around fantastic place to stay.
  3. I am the great Bulldogio! Are you threatening me?
  4. “…survive the surge…” This Mack Brown pussy mentality is the icing on top of your shitty takes. We are about to fuck these bitches up in their house.
  5. I am shocked that pro-Russian ads are appearing on Fox. Shocked, I tell you.
  6. Damn bruin, that’s a tough row to hoe. Glad you’re doing everything you can to see a doctor and get rid of it. But also don’t forget the lord loves a workin man, and don’t trust whitey.
  7. Rent a car -driving on the left is no big deal. Go to Killarney, stay at Cahernane House, https://www.cahernane.com/en/ and hike both the Gap of Dunloe https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/the-gap-of-dunloe/ and the Torq waterfall https://www.alltrails.com/trail/ireland/county-kerry/torc-waterfall-loop?u=i.
  8. That pic is so pretty it almost doesn't seem real.
  9. That’s not how we do things here Philip.
  10. Because he didn’t ask for partial modification in the alternative, it seems like the court should have just said “tough shit - that’s a waiver.”
  11. “We need more tort reform!” - Abbott/Patrick/Paxton/Phelan, et al.
  12. What's the opposite of tanned, rested, and ready? Pasty, lethargic, and inept? Sallow, slovenly, and seditious?
  13. It must have been when while I was in the UK in June. I felt slightly off for a couple of days, with just the slightest bit of congestion. No other symptoms, and Sudafed knocked it out pronto.
  14. Did my 4th draw yesterday and just got the results: S protein still >2500 N protein 3.6 Pfizer x 3 and Moderna booster
  15. Once again… Suck it helobious
  16. Just shut the fuck up already, you stupid nutsack.
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