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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. And he completely stole that scene. Gotta hand it to him.
  2. There’s a lot more where that came from, aggy. That was just an attention getter.
  3. No... ...because they think they wouldn’t have run out of time if Reggie fucking real deal flex seal McNeal would have played.
  4. ^^^^ the deli counter at Randall’s no doubt.
  5. Hanging on to the wing? Dumbass. Everybody knows you gotta ARCH!!!
  6. Just wait til he posts the evolution of his cars.
  7. I like that one too - reminds me of the Waylon Jennings logo.
  8. Yeah, those pokes throwbacks look great.
  9. No shit. As a noted scholar once said: To be the man, you gotta beat the man. Wooooo!
  10. I just saw their season record- lol. Should be some entertaining episodes on LCU next August.
  11. It turns out that a lawyer in NM can change their name on the official roster maintained by the bar association by filing a form. But the form has to be accompanied by a marriage decree, divorce decree, or a final order from a civil court that grants a petition for a name change. Filing a d/b/a alone apparently wouldn’t do it.
  12. Can a lawyer in New Mexico really assume a new identity by simply filling out a d/b/a? It’s not like the New Mexico Bar Association granted a license to Saul Goodman. In addition to the ethical implications (candor anyone?), it seems like the licensing authority would have something to say about it.
  13. Yes - announced. Then Reddick PH for him.
  14. Help me lilshep. You’re my only hope. Actually, scraps are you here? One more walk off for old time’s sake?
  15. Man - sometimes this thread is gut punch. Condolences butthurt, and RIP Brutus. I’m sure my Brutus was the first one to welcome him.
  16. I believe “ice fog” was the term.
  17. He’s hearing about it over here. Not that he gives a shit.
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