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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. The Colossus of Cunt
  2. That’s not how we do things here Philip.
  3. *asinine
  4. Because he didn’t ask for partial modification in the alternative, it seems like the court should have just said “tough shit - that’s a waiver.”
  5. “We need more tort reform!” - Abbott/Patrick/Paxton/Phelan, et al.
  6. What's the opposite of tanned, rested, and ready? Pasty, lethargic, and inept? Sallow, slovenly, and seditious?
  7. It must have been when while I was in the UK in June. I felt slightly off for a couple of days, with just the slightest bit of congestion. No other symptoms, and Sudafed knocked it out pronto.
  8. Did my 4th draw yesterday and just got the results: S protein still >2500 N protein 3.6 Pfizer x 3 and Moderna booster
  9. Eat up Helo
  10. Once again… Suck it helobious
  11. Just shut the fuck up already, you stupid nutsack.
  12. What a BAMF!
  13. Suck it helobious
  14. To clarify, my shithead neighbor is not a politician. But that shouldn’t preclude him from enjoying the full consequences of his reprehensible actions, right? After all, this is exactly what he wanted. In the event that any GQP voters violate the law, then as “the party of law and order” we should hold them accountable.
  15. Little Lord Fuckpants (Jackie, Jr.) would be way more fitting. And with his consistent boasting about his “remarkable” Houston grocery store pedigree, he’s doxxed himself.
  16. Can I still collect a $10k bounty under SB8? I have some Maga neighbors who celebrated the death of RGB and the end of Roe. They have 3 daughters, and will no doubt be on the first available flight to CA if/when one of them gets knocked up. I won’t profit off of their misfortune, but would love to be able to make a $10k donation in their name to Planned Parenthood.
  17. Just now on the road to Inverness.
  18. Or binoculars
  19. Joel is shifty like that.
  20. The Staircase is really good so far. Anyone else watching?
  21. I’m still not quite getting the D-Day strategy. How do pics of Jimmy appearing to bribe the judge handling the Sandpiper mediation provide him any leverage over Howard?
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