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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. To clarify, my shithead neighbor is not a politician. But that shouldn’t preclude him from enjoying the full consequences of his reprehensible actions, right? After all, this is exactly what he wanted. In the event that any GQP voters violate the law, then as “the party of law and order” we should hold them accountable.
  2. Little Lord Fuckpants (Jackie, Jr.) would be way more fitting. And with his consistent boasting about his “remarkable” Houston grocery store pedigree, he’s doxxed himself.
  3. Can I still collect a $10k bounty under SB8? I have some Maga neighbors who celebrated the death of RGB and the end of Roe. They have 3 daughters, and will no doubt be on the first available flight to CA if/when one of them gets knocked up. I won’t profit off of their misfortune, but would love to be able to make a $10k donation in their name to Planned Parenthood.
  4. The Staircase is really good so far. Anyone else watching?
  5. I’m still not quite getting the D-Day strategy. How do pics of Jimmy appearing to bribe the judge handling the Sandpiper mediation provide him any leverage over Howard?
  6. Speaking of the backhoe… The tunnel has been backfilled with 420 cubic yards of dirt with a concrete pad on top of that. And the only way into that chamber is through the hatch in the already completed concrete ceiling and down the staircase. So how’d they get the backhoe out?
  7. What happened to Walden Ponderer? He finally escaped from College Station and then disappeared.
  8. Is that old fat dude from Austin who was posting vids of himself cheerleading for the orcs at the start of this shit still around? Hopefully he FAFO and is pushing up sunflowers now.
  9. Fine. Hey Moose…Rocco. Help dotard find his checkbook.
  10. In the eternal battle between canine and crustacean, this year canine was the winner.
  11. Merchant is a riot. The scene that explained his reason for being a member of the outlaws was awesome.
  12. Schlong - did your dad not have a designated beneficiary for the life insurance policy? If not, I assume you've already provided them with a copy of the death certificate and the will.
  13. Yep, totally irrelevant. Par for the course.
  14. Hey Heidi! Hey Heidi! Listen here: since your ol’ man ain’t got no balls maybe you’d like to see a real man.
  15. Started Giri/Haji last night. Yakuza murder mystery split between Tokyo and London with Carla Jean Moss in a supporting role. So far so good through 2 episodes.
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