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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Player

  1. 3) innocents being “murr-durred”. Bush and Cockeye have both started airing negative ads against her. When does the mud-slinging against Paxton begin?
  2. I would love to see a montage of Rudy's hijinks from the last few years set to this song.
  3. The straw that broke the dipshit’s back.
  4. He sure sang a different tune when that oak tree shed a load on his hypocritical ass. Fuck you Greg.
  5. If you gave Pablo Picasso a case of OG fourloko and told him to paint a portrait of Snidely Whiplash, he could not come up with anything half as lopsided.
  6. I thought he didn't have shit to do with Tennessee either... https://consequence.net/2021/05/kid-rock-nashville-bar-man-colostomy-bag/ but then I remembered that he does, in fact, have some shit going on in Nashville.
  7. I pushed for Latarian Milton, but was shot down. Oh well, Two Dogs Fucking, still enjoys doing hood rat stuff with his friends.
  8. I wish we could see footage of him watching Biden's address this morning. I'm kind of shocked that he hasn't issued some kind of statement/rebuttal. Hopefully he had a stroke.
  9. Inconceivable! And how does stevo finish in the money if his max points are 502 and there are 3 entries that already have more points than that? I mean he might be imagining some scenario where this happens with you, me, and PhD, but I think stevo is still like Mr. Orange over there, just laying around waiting to die.
  10. you're one of them stroke-astic terrorists, man
  11. Munich does looks good - and if you're interested in pre-nazi Germany and the political turmoil leading up to WWII, check out Babylon Berlin. And definitely in for Season 3 of Afterlife on Jan. 14th.
  12. What the fuck is wrong with you, you heartless bastard? Her name is Peg.
  13. Damn straight...it should be an automatic welcome to the no-fly list for at least 5 years. Enjoy going Greyhound you stupid fuckfaces.
  14. Barry SwitzerBob StoopsBrian BosworthBilly SimmsDusty DvoracekBaker MayfieldJoe MixonDavid BorenJim RossToby Keith Why yes, it is the exact same list that I had last year. One of these days it's going to hit, and when that happens we will all be the big winners.
  15. The fear of prosecution as a private citizen (and the hope of thwarting any ongoing investigations with the ability to once again claim executive privilege) has to factor into his decision too, I think.
  16. I thought Peter was protecting himself from eventually getting “Bronco Henry’d” by Phil. Him finding the nudie mags and seeing Phil play yanky my wanky with the BH hanky told him all he needed to know about what fate had in store for him as Phil’s protege.
  17. At a minimum they need a veterinarian of the neighborhood
  18. I'm in too many of these damn pools....can someone please remind me again about the rule for this one? We're not picking against the spread, right? Just straight up winners?
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