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Everything posted by RoundRobin

  1. Pussy
  2. Laces out!
  3. FU
  4. Run the ball, dummies
  5. Cornelius is straight dealing
  6. Nice screen.
  7. Good reversal
  8. Fuck
  9. If hating OU is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
  10. Great stop.
  11. That’s a td.
  12. Fuck OU
  13. Nice snag
  14. Enough with the fucking reviews of every play. The ump was five feet away and looking directly at it.
  15. What’s the deal with tone?
  16. Those long sleeve t-shirts available anywhere?
  17. Did he do the bit about airline food?
  18. I’ve read all of the Expanse novels and can’t wait for the next one to come out. Great series.
  19. If there’s one thing aggy knows it’s clean bathrooms.
  20. I’d have to say Trinity is a possible option.
  21. Hate us more than they love themselves.
  22. Congrats! I’ve got two more possible Longhorns at home and hope at least one of them will follow their old man.
  23. Exactly what I would have expected all of them to look like.
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