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Everything posted by RoundRobin

  1. He’s reading Corso’s notes.
  2. Holy shit. Herbie cant read without moving his lips.
  3. It is when it only lasts 5 games.
  4. Glad to hear that she’s going to be ok. Keep being a good dad.
  5. So one of Petrino's core values is that we don't put guns to people's heads. Adultery is still ok, right?
  6. uh, pardon me, sir, some of the ladies have asked if you wouldn't mind putting that thing away.
  7. Praying for you, your family and your daughter.
  8. That fucking link awkwardly asked me to pay to read the article!
  9. Where Eagles Dare. Stalag 17.
  10. State’s closed. Moose out front should of told ya.
  11. The best Bad Boys.
  12. Avengers 4 - Everybody Gets Laid
  13. RoundRobin

    Charlie Brewer

    You forgot the Colt McCoy jersey.
  14. Brisket all gone?
  15. 1 down, 10 to go.
  16. Ramirez looks like he’s smelling a fart.
  17. Heard Reid say Nolan had a knee replacement. Good to see him up and about.
  18. Why no list Maldonado’s Gold Glove?
  19. Fuck the Indians!
  20. The Tower was designed by a Rice grad who made it look like an owl if you look at the clock from a corner.
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