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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eggo

  1. The rumor is for the Big 10, not 12.
  2. Most recent secondary I saw in SA was 250.
  3. After sleeping on it, I feel more in awe of Washington's offensive execution than anger at our failures. Penix would have won the Heisman if he had consistently played like he played last night.
  4. Realized too late that I earned Grand Reserve at TW and didn't get signed up for the bottle releases. Feelsbadman.
  5. Special season. Won't forget this one anytime soon. Hook em, boys.
  6. OU and aggy both lose bowl games. Pretty good season imo.
  7. Love this load of bullshit from his wikipedia knowing he just took a job in a Soviet wasteland.
  8. Took my time on this one. Felt a little hot at times, but very smooth if you give it a little while to breathe. Good night, sweet prince.
  9. Just wanted to drop by to congratulate you all and thank you for your good work this recruiting season. You've done a hell of a job.
  10. Pretty pretty good.
  11. I like it less than THH and JDBP, but I'm still a fan.
  12. Can y'all just kiss already and save the rest of this thread for meaningful discussion?
  13. Damn look at those Ivys dragging their intellectual nuts all over Washington's non-blueblood face.
  14. Someone should call Breckyn Hager and tell him he can finally cut his hair.
  15. Sark just spammed the "throw it to the flat" button all game and OSU was absolutely incapable of stopping it. We all knew what was coming and there was nothing they could do. It was the most one sided game I've ever witnessed in person. Total mismatch.
  16. From the SAT airport on my way to DFW... FIGHT
  17. This is the match-up we've been waiting for? Eh..
  18. Why are we reposting the ramblings of morons?
  19. Fuck those ingrates for what they did to that animal. What a waste of life...
  20. How dare you post this
  21. OU gave up 45 points to that abortion of a TCU team.
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