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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eggo

  1. And fuck the Brock twins
  2. I am all jacked up on mountain dew.gif
  3. Cheers, you cocksuckers.
  4. Had a few too many at the Broken Spoke last night and missed his flight to Tuscaloosa. Poor bastard.
  5. Sure, I've been looking for a decent butler.
  6. Sorry to hear you never finished 6th grade
  7. Nice little Friday
  8. I gave your mom some creamy creations last night.
  9. From the Dominion... TEXAS
  10. Have had a few of those in my day
  11. Unless it's changed over the past 2 years, they let you inside.
  12. Got a lead on a bottle of GTS2020 and once I was roped in, I walked away with 3 more. And now I won't sleep until I have a Saz to finish the job.
  13. Okay, but the reality is that we have NIL, so why are you wasting your time and ours talking about counterfactuals? Username does not check out.
  14. Don't tell my wife.
  15. Who gives a shit?
  16. Well sure, if all you need to win is a bunch of 4 star DBs...
  17. They don't play us because it's easy. They play us because it's hard.
  18. He must work out.
  19. Eggo


    Have been in Scandinavia for a couple weeks and have had some damn good bottles.
  20. Chance of that is near zero since I'm not in the coaching game, but I think our WR room is good enough to let whatever happens happen. When our QB's TD:INT ratio is 1:1, you'll change your tune.
  21. You'd be surprised. He might have one hell of a back story.
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