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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. I was confused by this, because I thought for sure they were selling upper tickets the whole time
  2. I wanted vip tickets, the morale package rather than the steppers package. I was in the queue, got in just fine, but the Morale Package was not even showing as an option. I decided to just not try and do anything, went back 20 minutes and it still wasn’t there, logged out and back in, and then it was showing available. caused lots of stress and I had to consider buying a normal ticket but glad I held off.
  3. Got the ticket I wanted but mother fuck Ticketmaster right in the ass
  4. nope. left tcu to go to NTSU and didn't graduate there either
  5. will depend a lot on the stage setup
  6. Zero chance of this happening. This is why Julie and Danny left in the first place and Jake was awfully close. Cumulus is trimming salaries, not adding/expanding
  7. Monty would certainly be 1000x better than Killer, but Monty has a job already and again, the job would pay Jack shit
  8. I don’t know how he lasted this long for no money. Same with Ty, Sean, Fernando…
  9. Danny leaving. Can’t say I’m upset in the least. Sorry Dean Goo
  10. It’s something big and or bad and or both
  11. Sean filling in for Junior tomorrow, Doocy in for Junior Friday I believe tomorrow is Sirois and Eli Jordan 10-12
  12. Wait until you try the Moody Center
  13. I will be seeing Kendrick Lamar at Moody Center
  14. They told a story last week about how Gordo and wife hosted a party at their house and Hansen walked in and immediately said, "What the hell are they paying radio guys these days?!"
  15. He used to live there. He does not currently
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