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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. sorry bub https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/stars/2018/09/27/stars-extend-radio-agreement-with-the-ticket-through-2023-24/
  2. McClearin was a ticker guy 10+ years ago and had a Sunday show for years
  3. She's having a hysterectomy tomorrow. She has a genetic mutation that led to her breast cancer and it also means she has a 40% chance of getting ovarian cancer. So they're gonna cut out her utuerus and give it to Dan in a jar
  4. I mean there's no doubt that his wife has hung 11 of these signs around their house, so what's he supposed to say?
  5. It’s a very elaborate prank https://registryfinder.com/registry/danny-balis/audrey-brown/baby/march-2021/texas/2181931
  6. https://www.theunticket.com/behind-the-prank-sweaty-jen-olsen-guy/
  7. Lol at corby saying Marfa is the 3rd most popular bachelorette party location in the country
  8. SeaBass in for the Musers for a week+ starting tomorrow. Doocy+Welpton tomorrow, SeaCow next week
  9. Well today it'll be the Corby, Ty and Danny show
  10. I dunno if he's gonna be puttin' on that headset again
  11. What's the actual story? The only thing I've heard about this was from their segment this morning
  12. I don't believe Bob ever said she got into UT or anywhere else (well, until he said she's going to aTm). They did come down to Austin to visit the campus in November.
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