Okay. And when Mr. Akaash said you had never gotten a raise, that was untrue, right?
A. He misrepresented the duration of time. Because it actually is true that in February of 2020, that's when I became a host. At the time I was making $50,000 a year, and I did not receive a pay raise until July of 2020. So he said a year, which is incorrect, but it is true that I worked for a period of five months on my previous salary.
Q. Well, we can play it again real quick because he also said you didn't get a raise after that, right? Let's play it. A. Yeah. He's -- yeah. MR. PERNINI: So this is A1? MR. DYSART: A1. (Plaintiff's Audio Exhibit Number A1 played.) MR. PERNINI: Pause it there. Is there a way to get back?
Q. Did you hear where he said, "and then they didn't give you a raise" on the second part? A. Yes, sir. Q. Okay. And that's not true, right?
A. I believe what he's doing is conflating two different negotiations. Because when my pay raised from the $50,000 a year to the $80,000 a year after five months, the next year was back in negotiations and my initial offer was no raise on that one. Does that make sense?
Q. It does. But my question is: What he said is not true, right?
A. He is conflating two different negotiations, yes, sir. And he also absolutely misrepresented the duration of time, but yes.
Q. And you didn't correct him?
A. No, sir.