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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. She knows way more about the Stars than any of the other 4 people on the show.
  2. Rhynes with Big Bob dropped today https://open.spotify.com/episode/7yOxXjwRpWrPfVA7DFUmFK?si=PmUd0OCzR86FsIhn-X93oA
  3. there are rumblings that seacow is gonna get promoted
  4. PROGRAMMING NOTE 5 hours of Bewm in the House today 10-3 Bewm in the House 10-2 tomorrow, Hardline 2-4:30 tomorrow
  5. Too bad Norm signed a new 3-year deal a few months ago
  6. Big dumb Danny strikes again Hardline discussing whether people will refuse to get the Covid vaccine: Danny: “I think it’ll be 50/50 whether people get the vaccine. People don’t want to be told what to do.” Corby: “Why?! Did you guys get a polio vaccine?” Danny: “That’s an immunization. A vaccine is a completely different thing”
  7. There is no fucking chance that the Byrde’s, knowing his mental health issues, would have him stick around while they’re in business with the cartel and could be killed at the smallest of trespasses
  8. I swear this was one of the worst Musers' days in a long time. Kept finding myself either tuning out or fast forwarding through segments. Auction audio, playing 10 minutes worth of George Shea audio, rehashing The Decision, rehashing Patrick Mahomes 2014 recruiting talk + 2017 NFL draft, this boring-ass 18-minute Texas Rangers author interview...
  9. Jake's turn to do Bands of Your Life tomorrow morning
  10. Pretty sure Bob is out and Corby is in all week
  11. The list begins and ends with Annie Clark (pictured above but otherwise not even mentioned yet)
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