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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. Still think it was. When he had his pal on today, he said he found out this guy had it AFTER the segment where he initially talked about whether they knew someone with COVID. He was covering his tracks.
  2. He was not in the Bunker all last week and then Sirois made a really weird reference to knowing someone who has covid but not being sure if he’s allowed to say who
  3. The main shows are just taking their normal Summer vacation. Not Bora Bora
  4. Julie is not allowed to appear on air until July 20
  5. BaD Radio will also be gone (I don't think they said for how long, but at least for a week I assume) starting after next week
  6. Jub thinks the Rolling Stones' live version of Like a Rolling Stone is better than Dylan's original
  7. Good for SeaBass for going after old man George claiming TV shows and video games make kids grow up to be murderers
  8. There’s no way that was a Dan bit today. He will often “play dumb” by asking about what people are talking about but that’s as a way to reset or explain to the audience that may not know what is being referenced. The New Zealand thing was absolutely not Dan playing dumb.
  9. Hope to hear Jake and Bob. Dan's will be very strange I bet
  10. Welp. Cody Jinks on for two segments for the Music Survey.
  11. Perhaps the Interim Program Director Craig Miller could pull some strings
  12. I believe it's next just Monday as well. Three straight 4-day weeks. (Memorial Day last week was week 1)
  13. Especially loved him calling out white evangelicals
  14. just came here to say Simple George was in full effect all day. Yes, let's solve racism with Big Brothers Big Sisters and teaching kids in school how to treat people.
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