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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. 8:59-9:42 on the app, brah
  2. Guys Day Out has begun, in case you were skipping Norm and forgot
  3. Sounds like some bad Corby dad health stuff going on
  4. Bob’s gonna Sturminate threesheets
  5. Dave Raymond on with SuperBaD radio today for show 69
  6. That Dan comment yesterday to Bryan Curtis was awesome
  7. Here’s a tip: Listen to the station
  8. Yes, it was written by Peter Welpton
  9. Right. There are no married women, especially in the entertainment business, who keep their birth name
  10. From the article: The land at 1624 Barton Springs Road has been in the Neelley family for at least 50 years, according to the Travis County Appraisal District. There was no immediate word on the future of the space.
  11. Is that the same Norm that’s had Dave Bliss on his show multiple times since he blamed the dead guy?
  12. I agree wholeheartedly with Less Danny but they inexplicably are having him do CQH every night and the pig pen whenever that comes on. I guess I just don’t get it.
  13. Sgt Pepper’s Bridge Over Troubled Waters Innervisions Songs in the Key of Life Rumours Thriller The Joshua Tree The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill ...Damn it has been a bad 20 years tho
  14. I’m sorry but what country do you think we live in here?
  15. I could not remotely care less to hear Danny’s opinions on Michael Jordan. Let the sports people take it dude.
  16. Cumulus is furloughing everybody in the company. Even Tier 1 will go to Bora Bora. Has nothing to do with decisions made by Dan Bennett or Cat
  17. Minnow is back on Monday
  18. they never did full shows
  19. What? Ed Asner was great
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