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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. Sirois didn't say he was going on the trip with the hosts. He said he'd be in Miami for the Super Bowl
  2. McCarthy’s (hot) daughter graduated from Lake Travis HS and he has/had a place out there
  3. It’s made VERY interesting because of some of this dude’s other posts. Check them out. Like this one from three weeks ago
  4. Very VERY interesting shit going down on r/theticket
  5. TC as BaD producer would be fantastic though. Don't see it happening, unfortunately. My guess would be Monty
  6. I cannot see Sirois putting up with BaD's shit. They are notoriously hard on producers
  7. Norm just re-upped not long ago. Rumor has it Corbily's contract is up in February
  8. so the entire coaching staff gets fired and we get Rhads and whoever this other guy is
  9. Dude, what part of this are you not understanding? The hosts are told by management that they MUST take these two weeks off. They're not choosing to.
  10. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/another-dumb-podcast/id1487284758?i=1000459804621&fbclid=IwAR0xBrcCqgQtGXafnNeSK47o4sCv5wrskKqPS6meS6v6y8M-P0UUP7yJLUM
  11. Jub really committing to the mohawk bet https://twitter.com/bracketdan/status/1205921259629842432?s=20
  12. I for sure have read someone or multiple people claiming that he couldn't have been in certain times/places he describes in his past. I felt like it was here or at the Shag but maybe it was elsewhere
  13. What's the deal with Wilonsky? Didn't someone here always claim that he was a fraud as far as his Dallas bona fides?
  14. People are saying he sounded drunk. He also called Gordon and Davey mutes
  15. I'm starting to think it did. Lines up with everything Nill said today. Happened last week, nothing criminal, involved no players or employees
  16. Yeah I downloaded the update this morning and it still crashed within 2 minutes of firing it up. Deleting and the re-downloading fixed it for good for me. Also stopped killing the battery and making the phone run blazing hot
  17. For those having Sports Day App problems lately, delete the app and re-download. Fixed that shit for me, Rich.
  18. I dunno, it looks pretty bad to me. Newkirk+Levine? Medellin+Dobbs? Ty+Eli? Bass+Doocy? Rhadigan+Tepper?
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