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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. The LG C7P is pretty much the best TV on the market. So, yeah
  2. http://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/accessories/apd/a9826502?prg=1&VEN1=12839518-8335291-&AID=8335291&dgc=CJ&DGSeg=DHS&cid=198375&lid=45846&acd=12309198375458460&VEN3=103703936463424571 Great deal on the best TV out there. Plus $300 gift card
  3. 2 gallons a day what the fuck man
  4. I hope SZA shows up for the Texas shows
  5. Courtney Barnett at The Mohawk was good but she started late so 2 songs got cut. She played the full new album start to finish, then 6 old songs. Also bummed it got moved from Saengerrunde Hall. She sure can shred though. Looking forward to seeing her again in October
  6. Yeah TC is for real leaving and it sounds like he’s out of the radio business from what Jake said on Cirque yesterday
  7. George is @georgedunham not @gbirddog
  8. Fewer late night calls from V1s please. What a beating
  9. Well something about dad bod, beer, pizza, no visible abs, and 13% bf isn't adding up
  10. I'm gonna guess you're nowhere near 13% bf
  11. I’m pretty much done with keto. Lost 18 pounds in 8 weeks and am at my lowest weight since college. Now to start on a high carb/high protein/low fat diet for muscle building. Gonna be weird to purposely eat at a surplus after so many years (off and on) eating 1200-1500 calories a day
  12. Have a listen http://www.bobanddan.com/why-today-doestnt-suck/
  13. Dan told Jake to shut the fuck up
  14. You missed Gordon/Corby/Davey together
  15. added: Angel Olsen (Paramount) Austin City Limits Festival weekend 2 (Zilker)
  16. in for weekend 2
  17. I started at 177 pounds and lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks doing strict keto (never more than 20 net carbs), eating 1200-1500 calories a day. This included one weekend of heavy cheating and drunkenness. I also drink at least 2 diet cokes/coke zeros a day. If you're doing keto but not restricting calories you're not going to lose a lot.
  18. I was in the front row when this happened https://consequenceofsound.net/2015/03/run-the-jewels-attacked-sxsw/
  19. Hell no, I can't wait to not be doing keto ever again. Or at least not until I gain 5 pounds and need it to get back to where I want to be
  20. How are Craig, Donovan, and Dan all out during the draft? Weird.
  21. Like The Highlander. There can be only one.
  22. IT'S NAME GAME DAY 11:10
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