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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Not true. He registered for the draft but was classified 4-F. I've also heard the bullshit story several times that he was a Marine sniper with hundreds of confirmed kills and that his children's show was his way of coping with PTSD. Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister and possibly the greatest preacher of the Gospel in the 20th century. His show displayed more courage and strength than anyone wearing a pro anger tee shirt could possibly fathom. The pro-anger crowd needs to consider what they do with the mad that they feel.
  2. Let’s turn this blasphemy and idolatry into something a bit more redeemed or a least self-aware of its irony with a few potential captions: Isaiah 2:4 He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Jonah 2:8 Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love. 1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Leviticus 19:4 Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves any gods of cast metal: I am the Lord your God. Matthew 26:52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Matthew 5:38-39 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
  3. I think Abrams/Warnock will drive good turnout, but Herschel may be tough. Just wait a few years and he’ll be joined by Senator Manziel when Cornyn retires.
  4. I voted in the R primary to vote for Kemp and hero of democracy Brad Raffensperger as well as actually having a say in local races. I’ll be close to straight ticket D in the general. I’m not sure how many crossed over, but there was a sense among many sane Georgians that Kemp and Raffensperger winning were the highest priorities since the leading opponents were Big Lie Trump allies. The statewide D races weren’t very close.
  5. I personally know, or rather knew, one redacted name on the list. At least in that case, everything was handled appropriately: background check prior to hiring (and no history — he was pretty young at the time of the crimes), the kids came forward the day it happened, he was in jail and fired by the evening, and everything was public and in the open (public statement detailing the crime by the institution shortly afterwards and punished in various church-affiliated news sources). I don’t know the details of what procedures the institution had in place to protect against this kind of thing or exactly what went down, but there certainly wasn’t a cover up there at all.
  6. I didn’t click the link until I saw the four stages thing. I assumed there would be some explanation or further context of the “four stages” but I guess not. The top google result for “four stages of dolphin aggression” is the above article. KHOU11 Staff did a poor job with this one. This link talks about stages of human/dolphin interaction: NowThis. Quote below:
  7. Since James 2 (faith without works) was brought up, more gold from that chapter: At this point, could we call prayers without actions for this vain repetitions?
  8. If you visit that church’s website, you’ll see (or would have seen last night before they started changing things) that the entire ministerial staff has the same last name; it looks like (rapey) husband, wife, adult child and spouse.
  9. Her understanding of the Sermon on the Mount is pretty wild. Must be in the Message Bible or something.
  10. 1. Whenever something becomes a thing in the public consciousness somewhat suddenly, a healthy skepticism seems prudent. There’s no doubt a political element to exposing this stuff as well as the perceived sudden rise in it. “Both sides” are trying to use this; of course one side of an issue like this is by definition a bit more malicious. I can see being skeptical, thinking that this is the left’s version of CRT, but… 2. Besides the increase in political types that are pretty openly preaching replacement theory, I’ve run across it for years in the crazier wings of religious circles. It’s real and somewhat mainstream, even if it only gets uttered in safe company.
  11. From the Abrams non-concession speech: The entire speech: https://qz.com/1468560/read-stacey-abrams-full-concession-speech/ Equating this with the Trump lies and post election activities is well, just another lie. It’s possible to argue against Stacy Abrams’ position without resorting to dishonesty, but that hasn’t happened here.
  12. I’m a big fan of banned books. Thanks for the reading list for me and my kid!
  13. I was a little surprised by the numbers for children at home until I considered how much they prefer Blippi.
  14. I’m not saying that view is entirely wrong, but it somewhat presumes that Protestants — or more specifically evangelicals — are the same population today as they were x years ago. I suspect that’s not entirely accurate. For example, the rightward shift of the SBC on abortion gets touted as a shift of opinion to the Catholic view. So we see that as Baptist people changing their opinion and thinking like Catholics. That explains some of it, but there’s also been a bit of “sorting” based on this issue. My anecdotal view is that we’re more likely to align ourselves with different faith groups (or non faith groups) based on the culture war issues than on theological issues. The more politically liberal wing of the SBC didn’t simply turn politically right; they left and started a new group. Churches these days split over political issues rather than theology. Of course the more politically conservative churches will shift further to the right; the less politically conservative members are finding new churches that align with their political views.
  15. Since this is a thread about a pathetic man turned bastardized fantasy Hamm/Hitchens debate, that pathetic man is a pretty on-the-nose analog to Old Testament-style judgement against a nation. “God’s people” turn from Him and do what’s right in their own eyes, so we get a leader who is the human form of all of the wickedness “God’s people” are relentlessly pursuing; many many die, we all hate each other, and yet another board turns into parallel competing apologetics conferences.
  16. If it’s a book club, a lot of members sure don’t seem to read the book. Whatever you think about the contents and fandom of the book, group singing and music-making is good for the soul.
  17. This Bauer saga has been a real black eye for baseball. MLB may take it on the chin for being too rough on him, but knocking him out of baseball for two years is probably appropriate.
  18. I guess I’m married to a conservative.
  19. It’s well-written, but pack a lunch; it’s long. Penn State may be a longtime den of institutional degeneracy but I’m an Irv Pankey fan now.
  20. We have a real, in the flesh hero who selflessly sacrificed for your liberty — my liberty — OUR liberty — and all you cynics can do is laugh and make jokes. Shame on all of you. To the brave and honorable heroes posting here, they surely laughed the same way when George Washington invented liberty and America. People that I imagine to have appalling opinions probably masturbate weirdly! I can’t stop thinking about their strange masturbation!
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