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Everything posted by Mole

  1. I could have used a trigger warning before reading this. Please be mindful of your beleaguered college professors before discussing the realities of student engagement in classes. Especially as we reach that time of year where students realize they haven’t turned in a single assignment. There are problems in higher education, and a certain bizarre madness at some institutions/departments, but the real problems aren’t the stuff that make for good culture war headlines. Focusing on the culture wars suggests that this new institution likely won’t address the real problems. Higher Ed indoctrination isn’t a real thing — we aren’t trying to do this and we couldn’t indoctrinate even if we tried. I’m supposed to get them to understand the content of my classes and turn them into communists? I’ll need a course release for that. But I hope they’re wildly successful, if only to create more academic jobs in a tough market. And maybe this new school would be open to my idea of starting a BS in Solipism. I could use that sweet department chair money.
  2. More classic and weird smut: When that person whose heart I long to stop with the click of a revolver put his hand or hands under your skirts did he only tickle you outside or did he put his finger or fingers up into you? If he did, did they go far enough to touch that little cock at the end of your cunt? Did he touch you behind? Was he a long time tickling you and did you come? Did he ask you to touch him and did you do so? If you did not touch him did he come against you and did you feel it? …When you were with him in the dark at night did your fingers never, never unbutton his trousers and slip inside like mice? …At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her.
  3. This wenche thikke and wel ygrowen was, With kamus nose and eyen greye as glas, With buttoked brode, and brestes rounde and hye; But right fair was hire heer, I wol nat lye. Or: I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The fair girl went on her knees, and bent over me, fairly gloating. There was a deliberate voluptuousness which was both thrilling and repulsive, and as she arched her neck she actually licked her lips like an animal, till I could see in the moonlight the moisture shining on the scarlet lips and on the red tongue as it lapped the white sharp teeth. Lower and lower went her head as the lips went below the range of my mouth and chin and seemed to fasten on my throat. I could feel the soft, shivering touch of the lips on the supersensitive skin of my throat, and the hard dents of two sharp teeth, just touching and pausing there. I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstacy and waited – waited with beating heart. And of course: Come, my love, let’s go to the field; let’s spend the night among the henna blossoms. Let’s go early to the vineyards; let’s see if the vine has budded, if the blossom has opened, if the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love. The mandrakes give off a fragrance, and at our doors is every delicacy— new as well as old. I have treasured them up for you, my love.
  4. He should have dropped an “I’ll show you what it’s like.”
  5. I was having a good time putting together a bookcase with my son and forgot about the game. Then my wife decided to “help.” Now the bookcase in pieces, my son had a nice cry from being snapped at by my wife, and everyone is annoyed at each other. It seems like an appropriate time to check in on the game.
  6. Suggestion: turn off notifications for rep. It removes a lot of the bad social media aspects of this place. If you need affirmations, just stare deep into your eyes in the mirror repeating how beautiful you are; if you need to feel bad about yourself, kickoff is in a few hours. Being constantly reminded every time someone thinks I wrote something smart/dumb/funny/sad isn’t good for clear thinking.
  7. Here’s a medical doctor admitting that COVID is fake and it’s all direct energy weapons. Busted.
  8. Both or those articles get a little mushy when it comes to the veracity of the father’s belief. Are police saying it was a sex-trafficking ring or are they saying he believed it to be a sex-trafficking ring? Same questions for the boyfriend’s involvement. I’m not sure why anyone should be quick to take the murder’s story as gospel truth.
  9. 1. Adherence to the shared, objective reality. There’s seeing things through your own political lens, spin, and whatever we’ve fallen into. You can’t discuss or advocate any issue if the current caricature of postmodernism persists. 2. Education: 3. Voting/Gerrymandering
  10. I want a say in my child’s education, but I deeply resent national political figures convincing the poorly educated, easily duped, or cynical members of my community to interfere with my child’s education. I don’t want these people to have a say in my family’s life. I’d rather they not destroy their children since we live in a society, but they won’t spread their trash into my household. There is certainly left-wing madness to deal with, but “conservative” degenerates trying to infect my family with their deranged thinking is the real looming threat when it comes to the schools. Well, that and valuing deranged for thinking over actually getting a good education, but it’s hard to differentiate. People who threaten teachers or administrators over political garbage are terrorists and shouldn’t get a say. I don’t consult the Taliban for parenting advice either. People who make up impenetrable riddles of false claims based on pretend boogie men are liars and shouldn’t get a say. There’s room for genuine disagreement on curriculum and managing a health crisis, but this isn’t what’s happening with the national narrative. It’s made up garbage damaging my community and my family.
  11. Including private schools: The state of Texas has three great music schools: UT, UNT, and Rice. SMU and Houston both have access to great professional orchestras, so their classical performance teaching will be excellent as well. Honestly, any school near a big city will do that well. California has UCLA, USC, Colburn, San Francisco Conservatory, and Cal Arts. Probably some others that I’m forgetting as well. In the orchestral job market, Colburn might be the best in the world at turning out students that win auditions.
  12. I’ve always viewed UW as a pretty widely accepted great school. It also has a great stadium; and it gave us Warren Moon, so it’s a Texas treasure.
  13. I’m perplexed at the use of the words “funny” and “laugh” on this page. Is there some subtlety that I’m missing? It’s not humorous, it’s just dumb, childish insults. It’s not even offensive, it’s just moronic. It’s Triumph the Insult Comic without the satire.
  14. CSB: I was in grad school when Facebook was just spreading to various colleges. The first person to tell me about TheFacebook later turned out to be regularly drugging and date-raping classmates. If you’re wondering where he did his undergrad, you’re a fool, because of course it was Baylor. And still, Facebook peaked when a Baptist sexual predator was telling me how great it was. It’s been downhill ever since.
  15. The proper response is for school librarians statewide to propose addendums to the list including their entire holdings; any book worth reading will necessarily make people uncomfortable. I do appreciate the additions to my own personal reading list though. Thanks
  16. The “Make Music Great Again” hat coupled with that song was some sort of next level meta irony that I can’t quite wrap my head around.
  17. Cultural appropriation trig teacher may be out of a job soon, but those kids as well as kids and adults around the country will likely never forget that mnemonic. You may question the appropriateness of her racist methods, but you can’t deny their effectiveness. Would a racial slur be appropriate when teaching quadratic equations? Of course not! Would the students ever forget the lesson? These are the questions that keep racist educators up at night.
  18. I feel this deeply. My whole house caught it over the summer — two breakthroughs and one preschooler. The preschooler was 100% better in about two days and ready to go crazy; I was mostly normal in about a week and my wife was worn out for about two weeks. I was glad and relieved that he bounced back so easily, but a slower recovery would have been good for household sanity during those two weeks.
  19. Ask as a noun and I’m a supporter of the ban.
  20. I was one of the Pfizer breakthroughs over the summer. I have my annual checkup in a few weeks. I’ll ask my doctor about the booster and then do what they say, since they’re paid to figure this stuff out. If I don’t trust them to give good advice, I should find another doctor. I appreciate taking ownership of your health, but pretending to sort out competing studies and various conflicting biases and then self-medicating (or self-not-medicating) seems like madness to me. But I guess you’re welcome to make important health decisions based on a small handful of sick Israelis or any other study that tells you what you want to hear.
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