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Everything posted by Mole

  1. The “Make Music Great Again” hat coupled with that song was some sort of next level meta irony that I can’t quite wrap my head around.
  2. Cultural appropriation trig teacher may be out of a job soon, but those kids as well as kids and adults around the country will likely never forget that mnemonic. You may question the appropriateness of her racist methods, but you can’t deny their effectiveness. Would a racial slur be appropriate when teaching quadratic equations? Of course not! Would the students ever forget the lesson? These are the questions that keep racist educators up at night.
  3. I feel this deeply. My whole house caught it over the summer — two breakthroughs and one preschooler. The preschooler was 100% better in about two days and ready to go crazy; I was mostly normal in about a week and my wife was worn out for about two weeks. I was glad and relieved that he bounced back so easily, but a slower recovery would have been good for household sanity during those two weeks.
  4. Ask as a noun and I’m a supporter of the ban.
  5. I was one of the Pfizer breakthroughs over the summer. I have my annual checkup in a few weeks. I’ll ask my doctor about the booster and then do what they say, since they’re paid to figure this stuff out. If I don’t trust them to give good advice, I should find another doctor. I appreciate taking ownership of your health, but pretending to sort out competing studies and various conflicting biases and then self-medicating (or self-not-medicating) seems like madness to me. But I guess you’re welcome to make important health decisions based on a small handful of sick Israelis or any other study that tells you what you want to hear.
  6. Here I am trying to figure out the difference between writing an audio book and recording a podcast.
  7. Anyone else keep reading that as Derkapasta?
  8. He spoke at Texas in the early 2000s when war/anti-war tensions were high. From my 20-year memory, he took some pointed questions from the audience and handled them admirably.
  9. If the ‘81-‘82 Celtics has completed the comeback against the Sixers in the conference finals and then lost to the Lakers in the finals, would that have made Bird’s legacy better or worse? If you say worse, you’re arguing that losing the conference finals is better than winning it. If you say it wouldn’t change his legacy any, you are likewise arguing that winning the conference means nothing. If you say better, you’re arguing 3-3 in the finals is better than 3–2 (it is).
  10. Unless demonstrated otherwise, anyone discussing the “jabs” is engaging in or with foreign propaganda and misinformation. My neighbors speak British English, so they come by the term legitimately, but your average Oakley wearer didn’t pick up the term from someone with good intentions.
  11. 25 year old me would have told 25 year old you to stop being irresponsible and get the shot. And then 25 year old us would have all clapped. That 25 year old me? Albert Einstein.
  12. To me it screams evangelical trying to use the weight of tradition to give a sense of authority to whatever inane, spiritually misguided, and likely destructive thing they’re ranting about. It means they’re serious about unserious things and like to mix a little light blasphemy in with their buffoonery. These days, nine time out of ten, it’s someone who preaches a vaguely anti-Semitic caricature of Sola Scriptura appropriating Hebrew traditions.
  13. If we're going importance to the game rather than best, greatest, or whatever, I'd go with: Mikan, Russell, Magic, MJ
  14. Johnny Beckman, Cum Posey, Tarzan Cooper, Fat Lever.
  15. I’m not surprised that Gruden is a dirtbag or that he’s foolish enough to put his terrible worldview in writing through an official and easily accessible medium. That’s no surprise, but why so chatty over email?
  16. A rising tide lifts all boats; with no boats, there would be no need for a rising tide; removing the boats would eliminate the rising tide. QED
  17. Just so we’re clear by this logic, inter-species romance is ok as long as it’s opposite sex. So if I’m lonely and my dog starts looking appealing, it’s ok as long as my dog is female; otherwise, it’s gay.
  18. Oh, I'll take a vet over an MD any day. They gotta be able to cure a lizard, a chicken, a pig, a frog all on the same day.
  19. Anti-vax trolls that want to play the God/Jesus card should remember that the wisdom from above is “first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” If you’re claiming a position of faith and batting below the Mendoza line in checking those boxes, you might want to reflect on the source of your wisdom.
  20. *According to whom?
  21. We need to run the TD play or the 8:00 minute TD drive play.
  22. Did we withstand the surge?
  23. Streameast.live is really reliable. You have to click through some things but the streams are always good.
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