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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Just install a switch or knob in the hole and call it a feature. I’m sure you can find a scrap guitar on Facebook marketplace.
  2. Mole

    Name your 10/10 albums

    Willie, Red Headed Stranger Clifford Brown and Max Roach Freddie Hubbard, Red Clay Coltrane, A Love Supreme Stevie Wonder, Innervisions Count Basie, Atomic Basie The Replacements, Tim
  3. Since we’re talking biblical vengeance, there’s a good NT one in Acts 5. Fraud had its consequences.
  4. Honestly, whatever it takes. Get the shot out of spite or to stop some insane imagined liberal ploy; just get the shot.
  5. My great grandfather was an abusive alcoholic. This morning I had to make the hardest decision of my life: get drunk and race laps through a school zone in his honor or have a cup of coffee and go to work. I didn’t get a great night of sleep last night so I didn’t really feel like going to work, and I really want to do right by my terrible ancestors. It was the hardest decision of my life to not risk the lives of hundreds of school children. I just hope I did the right thing by going to work. I think I did it out of fear, which makes me a weak man.
  6. We love our fellow man, except for the press and the rest of the country.
  7. Yeah, the announcer missed a once-in-a-lifetime chance to use “break out the Oreos!” on that 2-point conversion.
  8. How did MADD change the deeply personal decision of whether or not to drive drunk into a social and legal responsibility? Can drunk drivers apply for religious exemptions? If I want to plow through a minivan at a stoplight, isn’t that my right to do so? Our bodies, my choice.
  9. Maybe the booster allows for time travel.
  10. This version of A Christmas Carol sucks.
  11. I’ve only half paid attention to all of this and just realized that it’s not a brothel.
  12. Mole

    General Milley

    You didn’t see single mom Murphy Brown saving America, did you?
  13. Mole

    General Milley

    Pence asked Quayle if he could pretty please overthrow the government and Quayle said no, so January 6th was just a violent insurrection instead of the start of a civil war.
  14. Mole

    General Milley

    Now you know who to thank for no nuke Fridays.
  15. I went to the gym a few years ago and woke up the next morning unable to move without muscle pain. I hurt for days. People told me that it was normal, but it hurt so bad, so I switched to diet coke to pair with my mid-morning ice cream sundae instead of going back to the gym. I've since lost both feet to diabetes, but at least I didn't get any more muscle soreness from exercise. Don't let big iron push you around with their weighty lies!
  16. When my wife and I got our COVID breakthrough, I got a text from a friend telling me and my wife to take ivermectin. If we couldn't find a doctor to write us a script, we were told to buy the animal stuff from Amazon and they would send us dosage adjustments. This was all based on information gleaned from friends and whatever crazytown groups they were involved with. I just took some Benadryl, napped, and let the vaccine do its work instead. I kept my intestines in tact and felt better in about three days. I don't think the average ivermectin proponent makes much of a distinction between horse paste and taking medicine under the direction of a doctor. Since they generally make no distinction, calling it "horse paste" is a fair description of the treatment advocated by movement. Any attempts to legitimize it with the veneer of medical legitimacy is just perpetuating disinformation. Spreading this kind of thinking only serves to spread death and suffering. You can hide in asking questions and a motivated pedantry that distorts reality, but it's still dishonest and destructive. This is distinct from honest discussion of legitimate attempts by real doctors to find COVID treatments.
  17. Honestly, spreading deadly disease is an important part of the story of the New World. While I’d like say that murdering your neighbors is not a founding American principal, he might be right. I wish we had this kind of clear leadership 18 months ago.
  18. http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/92578-Awesome-Chief-Painting
  19. A tradition spanning several years.
  20. Setting aside the question of the necessity of a virgin birth, Paul claimed in 1 Cor 15 that denial of the resurrection of Christ is incompatible with the core point of the faith (And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins). Maybe you could still consider yourself a Christian, but it would definitely be something very different than the faith practiced by most Christians throughout history. Of course, this is pretty tangential to the central goal of finding proof texts to rationalize using state power to subjugate women.
  21. The last navel gazing quiz told me I had strong theocratic tendencies; this one calls me a New Liberal. I guess here’s hoping to install Mullah O’Rourke as the high bro-priest of the United State Church of the Heel Flip. It’s think it’s time to go back to Facebook for more “which Ted Lasso character are you” quizzes. And of course comparing enneagram types.
  22. Setting aside the open question as to how earnest your stated beliefs are, surely that 30-40% number is far too low. We’ve largely embraced trolling as a defining ethos.
  23. New believers should be encouraged to add 1 Cor 5:12 to their memory verse list to nip this stuff in the bud: What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? And of course the judging within the church mentioned here involved a continuing sexual relationship between man and mother-in-law, not the height of a teenager’s hemline or the amount of thigh jiggle. There’s a very strong biblical case — maybe a command — for Christians to be mindful and considerate of the struggles of fellow believers. This is inward looking though, not outward looking. I can choose to refrain from certain things if it supports the needs and struggles of my community, but I don’t see the case for how I can impose the same restrictions (aside from the don’t sleep with your mother-in-law thing) on another person. As was rightly pointed out, Jesus said to gouge your eye out, not berate the object of your lust. I’d love to do away with the earnest Christian vocal affect. Speak with your adult voice, not that of some poor Marilyn Monroe impersonator. The moment you hear that breathy voice, guard your heart and wallet.
  24. I’m sure the math checks out, but anecdotally, my social circle has had way more than 1% breakthrough in the past few months. My house is at 100% (July), I know several others within the past month, and a friend’s vaccinated dad died of it just last week. I’m guessing that I’m at the unlucky end of the bell curve, but it’s really something how your perception can be colored by what you experience — my assumption has been that breakthroughs will be pretty common.
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