My unvaxxed father-in-law is in the hospital with COVID. My wife spoke with him today: vaccines will cause immune problems in the future, he got it from a vaxxed person, it was lab created, democrats are in on it.... It's so heartbreaking how deep the hole of misinformation is and how much suffering it's causing. Honestly, he's a victim of it and he'll never even understand it. He can't say two words without running out of breath; he's scared and keeps breaking down in tears; yet a made-up enemy is what he wastes his limited words on. He's been lied to over and over and he's been given over to his hate, and now he's suffering for it but it's all he has. It's so heartbreaking and so destructive.
My wife texted a group of church friends from where we used to live. We use the group text to share life updates, people ask for prayer, keep in touch with some of our closest friends, ect. My wife asked for prayer for her very sick father. She can unburden herself from the situation and people can remind her that they love her and care for her. It should be a beautiful thing: I'm worried about my dad; ok, I love you and I'm going to petition the creator of the universe on your behalf. Even if you don't believe, it should be a beautiful expression of care and concern for a dear friend.
The same couple that told us to take the horse paste when we got COVID mentioned the horse paste and then sent some link with "good medical info" from the AAPS. A little research shows that group to be a libertarian political advocacy group pretending to be a medical organization. They're anti-vax on steroids and dressed up in a lab coat. I'm all for exploring any political solution to national healthcare -- put it all on the table with regards to politics -- but how far down the rabbit hole of political degeneracy do you have to be to respond to a family crisis with that garbage? Even if your politics are the right big picture solution, how dark and twisted must your heart be to see that as an answer to "pray for my dad, I think he's dying?" "Can I tell you about the libertarian solution to healthcare? Here's some lies about medicine that'll kill you but align with my political views." It's so broken and deranged, and these were always such wonderful people before.